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Not everyday life is what you expected. I think the thrill of waking up every morning, is too know that you have no idea what is going to happen, so you have a bit of excitement inside you waiting, anticipating for what's going to happen.

Right now... That was me.

Staring back at me was the fire, warm and radiating its heat onto me. It was entrancing, luring me into its mocking beauty.

One touch and you jump right back. Yet you'll do it all over again.

I heard footsteps, but I didn't bother to look behind me to see who it was. I already knew.

"Have you eaten?" He asked. I stayed silent for a bit before shaking my head. "No." I whispered, Not really surprised he heard me.

"What do you want?"

Here behind me was the guy who knocked down books from a girls hands, Commented on my body and is a natural jackass from what I could tell. 

Yet he is asking me what I want to eat.

And I knew why.

I stood up from the couch, My blanket wrapped around me, trailing behind me like a tail.

His head looked up, acknowledging my presences besides him and he just watched me waiting. 

His black eyes staring at me once again blank. No emotions. It was like he was a robot, with a beating heart. The only thing it was black as coal.

"I don't want your pity."

He didn't make any indications he knew what I was talking about. So I continued.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I don't have a disease that can be contagious. I am not sick... and I have enough on my plate at the moment, so I don't want your pity. Every girl is broken somehow. Ok?"

He just stared at me. I huffed and turned to walk away, but stopped in my tracks from his voice.

"Your not broken. At least from what I could tell. You have a brother, maybe more. You have parents and people who love you."

I looked down at the floor, my back still at him. His words hitting a spot in me.

"Even if you were, I like that your broken."

My head snapped to him, a small gasp leaving my lips. His eyes dark, yet his lips in a frown. His eyes flickered to me, looking lost. "Broken like me."



Jason looked up from the files on his desk and turned to Trance who stood by the door way, with a folder in his hands.

"What's that?" Jason asked, curiously looking at the yellow paper. Trance placed it on his desk, and stepped back waiting for further instructions.

After having Alva, Jason was given the proposition of taking over the Mafia. He would still hit up Ace for help, of small problems such as money or drugs, but when it comes to Guns and bodies, Jason took all of that to his own. 

He was grateful Ace moved to New York when Alva turned 2 of age. It would expand the business and make more money. 

But he would be lying if he said he didn't miss being right hand man.

Jason opened the yellow folder, feeling something bad. When his eyes glazed over the words, He was feeling something he haven't felt in a while. Scared.

In love with the Enemy.Where stories live. Discover now