Chapter 8: Lavish Labs

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Within minutes of sitting down, Tony was watching the two teens that were supposed to be new additions to Stark Industries fall asleep on the waiting room couch. Only as he sat there did he realize that his two friends had watched the whole ordeal, fight in an intense battle then watched Pepper, Percy and Annabeth all pass out.

He was beyond tired but he now couldnt imagine how they felt. He felt guilty for dragging them along with him, they didnt need this. They just needed a roof over their heads and some good meals. Which he was surely hoping to provide.

Listen guys, he said turning to face the spies next to him, Let me show you to your rooms. Sorry you had to see this. You can just go and unpack your stuff and Ill stop bothering you. I can handle this. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face. He needed to start sleeping more. He also needed a well deserved drink.

No Tony. What are you thinking? We are gonna stay with you. There is no way we can just leave you to sit through this alone, thats torture. Were here for you. Clints words meant a lot to him.

Natasha agreed.

There will be plenty of time to unpack later. We can wait. Her voice was more gentle than Tony expected.

Where is Bruce anyways? Tony had just remembered that he called him here. And Thor! Didnt we hear his thunder flash entrance noise an hour ago? He looked up at the ceiling, and felt like ten years had just settled on him. He needed to find the others, welcome them to the tower. He needed to be with Pepper. He needed to look into these kids. He needed to eat something. There were so many things on his mind, and he felt like he couldnt handle all of them alone.

Natasha and Clint shared a look.

Its okay Tony, I can go find them. After all I think I know my way around this tower pretty well. Natasha was out the door before his mind had a chance to form a protest. He wanted to do everything on his mental list, but he wasnt tired enough to miss the joke she made about pretending to be his assistant a while back. He wanted to smile and laugh but his face was too weak to make any sign that he heard what she said. Tony didnt think Natasha needed confirmation anyways.

A sharp intake of breath from across the room brought him back to his senses. He didnt have anymore time to sit anyways. Looking into the story these kids gave would have to be put at the bottom of the list for later.

Percy slowly sat up, shifting so that he was still holding onto his girlfriend but more comfortable than when he had fallen asleep. It was a pleasant surprise to see that he had been asleep for a substantial half an hour and that he had no dreams of any kind and felt actually rested. Percy also saw that Natasha, the woman he had fist fought, was gone.

In really contemplating it, the day really had not been one of the worst that he had ever experienced. It may have been a wreck but really it was not horrible.

He looked to Tony Stark. He had not noticed how tired the man looked. He had dark bags under his eyes, which meant he probably had not been sleeping. His posture was stiff, but he looked as if his back hurt him too much to rather than slouch, probably another sign of not sleeping. Percy felt for him, he knew a thing or two about not sleeping well. He almost laughed at himself. It was a bitter joke, but worth a little bit of humor. If he really was gonna work here then it was gonna be a long talk with him about good sleeping habits. If this guy really was a hero, he will always need all the rest he could get.

Have you gone to check on Ms Potts yet? I know that it would be a comfort for her if you were there when she woke up. Percys voice sounded raspy, but he was trying his best to be a comfort to the man.

Tony nodded, his face looking ashen and shocked.

Yeah, he murmured. His voice was soft. I should check on her, you are right. He took in a deep breath, his chest rising and shaking.

He stood up slowly and Percy almost jumped up to catch him, he seemed so frail. But he was a grown man. If there was anything that Percy knew, aside from waking up from a coma, is that there will always be a day where a person must stand up on his own. This was Tonys day. Percy could not intervene in this.

He stood and gripped the arm of the couch.

Tony thought that even though Percy was very young, he had faced hardship. That much was true about the story that the kids had given them. He was also right about the fact that Pepper would want to see him when she wakes up. Just as when he woke up after falling from the sky, he would have far rather seen Peppers face and not Steve Rogers or Thor. But beggars cant be choosers.

Tony shrugged his shoulders and a chill passed over him. He began to sweat, but there was nothing happening.

He walked into the other room and there she was. The woman he loved, laying on a steel table, the light rebounding off the shiny surface making Pepper glow.

Tony cursed quietly. He should have tried to make her more comfortable.

Dammit. I suck. Tony spoke towards Pepper.

No, you dont. You may be an egotistical ass sometimes but, you have done your best saving the world, a voice sounded from the doorway, you are entitled to a day off every once and awhile.

It just so happens that your day off became much busier than you expected. A second voice echoed in the big room.

Tony scoffed but couldnt help but smile.

Gentleman, he spun around and waved an arm around the room, its about damn time! Where have you glorious heroes been?

Steve Rogers stood in the doorway with a face Tony did not possess the brain power to analyze, and next to him Bruce Banner stood trying to be supportive but immediately intrigued and worried about the woman asleep on the table behind him.

Clint and Natasha filled us in, on everything. Steve spoke, a silent question behind his statement.

Tony, can I take a look at her? Bruce asked.

A nod was his reply. Tony took a step back and watched Bruce do his thing.

Tell us about these kids you have in the other room. Steve said as he moved from the doorway to stand next to his fellow Avengers teammates.

You would not believe me if I told you.

Steve opened his mouth to respond with the fact that they had just fought an alien army from outer space brought to the planet by some hellbent psychopath, but Tony was already walking back to the other room before a word could be spoken.

The Doctor and the Captain shared a quick look and with a million questions on his lips Steve was out the door also.

Oh dear Pepper, what have you gotten yourself into, Bruce spoke looking down at the woman in front of him. He moved towards the monitors on the table and with a sigh and release of some of the tension in his shoulders he began to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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