Chapter 5: I Swear it on the River Styx

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Clint suddenly lunged toward her feet going for the ankle she hasnt broken. He goes between her legs and lifts her up over his shoulders then lets go of her feet forcing her to rely on her stiff ankle to catch her. As she went down Annabeth grabbed Clints knees using her immense upper body strength to slow her enough to get both feet on the ground, then she pulls his knees towards her. Clint grunts and bends his knees making Annabeth let go. Clint jumps over her and grabs his bow from the wall, pulling the arrow that caught it out also. His quiver is on the other side of the room, but he still has the other arrows that she also shot at him. Annabeth stands up and he fires. She sees the arrow leave the bow and immediately, faster than Clint expected, drops to the ground.

Annabeth looked for cover and cursed herself when she realized that she is in the middle of the room. Clint nocked another arrow. Both heads turn to the other pair fighting as a loud Annabeth! sounded through the room. The other two were still fighting, but there was a knife soaring through the air and it was headed right for Annabeth.

She knew what Percy was doing, he was leveling both the playing fields. This knife belonged to the other assassin, and Percy knew that he could not use his sword on the mortal. His fists? He certainly could. And Annabeth could not defend herself with fists when arrows came at her. A knife? Oh yes she could. The Apollo Cabin at Camp liked fighting with her because she didnt need to come to blows during a fight. Sometimes she would and sincerely apologize to the kids that she sent to the infirmary. She was the best with a knife and everyone at camp knew it. Now all she had to do was show the Avengers that.

She caught the knife yelled a thanks to her boyfriend and threw it at Clint.

The whole time this battle was going on no one paid any attention to the two people who brought this destruction upon their gym. Pepper was slightly irritated that there were more holes in the wall from arrows, and Tony was really excited. The second the four people from the interviews walked into the gym the battle began. Tony was about to feel really bad for the two teens and call up the ambulance to be there before anyone got super hurt, but the second the fight started Tony wished he were videotaping. These kids had told them that they escaped the Roman and Greek Mafia but they were still not even 18. The opponents they called in were super spies who worked a secret government agency and have been killing people for years. Tony was shocked when Pepper suggested the idea and he was now even more shocked that these teenagers were almost as good as two of the Avengers team.

When Clint started using arrows Pepper wanted to call the whole thing off, she didnt know what she was thinking setting up two teenagers to go against world class spies but then the arrows went flying back to Clint and Pepper began having second thoughts. She looked over to Natasha and Percy because he was the one they were going to hire for a job that would involve fighting and watched in amazement as he and Natasha went at it. When Natasha pulled out her knife she started to worry but when Percy got the knife away she was speechless. She watched as Percy casually threw the knife into the air and yelled Annabeth!. Pepper almost screamed but Tony held her back. He pointed to Annabeth then back to Percy who not once took his eyes off of Natasha while they fought, he didnt even look to see where the knife went. What if it had gone towards Pepper and Tony? Pepper watched fear struck as both Clint and Annabeth stopped to look at the flying knife. Annabeth smiled and caught it with ease. Pepper almost started to cry she was so relieved. She knew that she had spoken too soon and watched as Annabeth threw the knife at Clint as he released an arrow. The knife and the arrow collided and the resounding SNAP of the arrow breaking and the clatter of the knife on the ground froze both fights.

Percy and Natasha looked over, Natasha still in a headlock.

Annabeth looked proud, she had been working on that move for weeks. Percy was also smiling because he knew how much effort Annabeth had put into trying to do that. And for her to finally be able to do it, against an Avenger no less? The campers were going to freak.

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