Chapter 6: You Don't Want Lemon Squares

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Percy laughed, he laughed hard. He was so tense and so worried about Pepper being a monster that he couldnt help it. He was on an emotional high because he had been so stressed. He heard a loud gasp and looked up to see who it was.

Percy! Annabeth shouted, That was a new tank top! We just bought that! There is no way your mom can get that stain out. She sighed in exasperation.

Annabeth! Its okay. We can ask the Cabin 10 campers when we get back. You know who their mom is, they can get the stains out. How do you think none of my clothes have blood on them. Lacey and Mitchell have been helping me out for years. And Silena Percy trails off looking at the ground. He looks back up at the others with a small sad smile on his face. He turns his head to look at the wound Pepper gave him when she shot him. Annabeth follows his gaze.

Seaweed Brain! Thats actually kind of a deep cut, Her gazed flashed to Pepper who blushed, You didnt have to push me out of the way, but thanks. Now lets get you bandaged up. She looked at the mortals and then back at Pepper. Pepper nodded at her. We will explain once Percy is healed. Where can we do that by the way? He question directed to Tony.

He stuttered. Uhh? Oh yeah. We can go to the floor that Bruce is gonna have, I guess? Follow me. It has the infirmary on that level.

He walked out the doors, and after Clint ran to pick up his arrows and Annabeth picked up Percys shirt and jacket, the rest of the group followed him.

Annabeth and Percy looked at the elevator with blank faces and stepped on.

To them this was exactly like coming back from Tartarus. Percy was all cut up and in an elevator. Annabeth squeezed his hand and tried to make small talk with the others with them.

So, when you said Bruce, did that mean Bruce Banner? As in Doctor and Scientist?

The present Avengers looked at the blonde teen with surprise. Most people referred to him as the big scary green monster, not the smart science guy. Pepper thought it was a welcome change.

The poor guy. She thought. She had met Bruce and he was actually very nice and funny. No one ever gave him the benefit of the doubt. Pepper didnt care. She had met monsters throughout her life, some being mortal humans and others being immortal creatures, but Bruce Banner? He was neither. It was a terrible curse that the Fates cast upon him.

Is Bruce already here then Tony? Pepper wondered who else was here in the tower that she didnt already know about.

Tony looked down at his phone, typing something into it. Seconds later a voice sounded from the phone. It was angry and sounded suspiciously like HULK SMASH but no one said anything so the silence continued.

Annabeth and Percy had begun to sweat, and Percy was starting to pale even more that he was before. Annabeth braced herself, she knew what was coming.

Godsdamit Percy! His body fell on her and she hoisted up and over her shoulders.

The others look surprised, and Tony was worried. Had Pepper killed him!

Annabeth saw Tonys face and laughed, with Percy still on her shoulders.

You dont need to worry about him! He is fine. Just a minor injury. We have just not been eating well lately. Its really taken a toll on us, especially him. But that doesnt really matter because Pepper has what can heal him, if that doesnt work then I think it would be a cool thing to say that Doctor Bruce Banner gave him a check up. Talking about bad eating habits didnt ease Tony at all. In fact, it made him all the more worried.

If this kid wasnt eating right, what damage could that be doing. And if he in fact was in a weakened state, then Tony would hate to see a fight with him at his best. Now these kids were even scarier to Tony than they were when he thought they were associated with the Mafia.

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