Chapter 4: Flying Bows and Knives

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On their way up to the meeting Percy and Annabeth had walked up sixteen flights of stairs, so they didnt have to ride the elevator. As much as the demigod couple had improved with accepting what happened during the war, elevators are still hard for them. They glanced at each other and looked up at the adults already holding the door open for them. Looking slightly impatient. Annabeth held tightly to Percys hand, and Percy put on a look of excitement even though far behind his happy demeanor he was also very scared. Annabeth had begun to shake when they walked through the doors, and Percy was starting to sweat a little bit. Tony and Pepper eyed the teens, not understanding what the problem was. As the doors closed a small breath escaped the lips of Annabeth and she felt betrayed by her body. This was the one thing she really could not do, and she had to do it in front of her new bosses.

Are you two okay? You seem a little sick? Pepper looked on at the couple in confusion.

Yeah, Percy gave a nervous chuckle, which to Annabeth sounded forced, Like I said with the whole Mafia thing, elevators are kind of a punishment you could say. Its been rough trying to get over this fear, bad memories. Pepper gasped and Tony looked shocked.

In the back of her mind Annabeth was proud of Percy for making up such a good lie. There really was no way to actually tell whether they were telling the truth or not, but the only thing Annabeth could do was hold tight to Percys hand and do her best to keep her stomach calm. Percy squeezed Annabeths hand calming her slightly. A bell rang, and as soon as the doors were open wide enough Percy and Annabeth were out. Pepper and Tony followed suit.

Pepper and Tony felt bad for making the poor kids suffer in the elevator but they had not said anything which made Tony very glad that Pepper found these two. They had not said anything about being uncomfortable and just went along with them. Tony secretly hoped that Percy was as good a fighter as he said he was. Annabeth stuck out her hand in a gesture that meant lead the way and Pepper walked very fast in front of them. She pushed open a set of glass doors and Percy marveled at the sight of the gym. Sometimes he forgets what money can actually do because they use drachmas, the currency of Olympus, to make calls and sometimes they use mortal money to get food and a place to stay, but Percy had never seen such nice things. Except on Olympus, where everything was designed by Annabeth.

So, all I said to my friends was that I wanted them to fight someone, I also just let them know that both of you want to fight. They are on the Avengers so just keep that in mind. I dont really know when they will get here or what they will do so good luck? Percy and Annabeth both noticed Tonys eyes flash to Pepper who was looking behind them. Before they could react both Percy and Annabeth were being tackled.

Awe! Come on! I just got this suit! Couldn't have let me change first?

Percy could only see the confusion of the redheaded ladys face when he blocked the punch she was throwing to his face. She was on top of him, but he was just getting started. He put his hand on her thigh hoping Annabeth wasnt looking and moved it up, knowing that no matter how trained a person might be, going to private areas always got a reaction. She gasped in shock as her body froze for a second, just long enough for Percy to literally throw her off of him. Percy had not noticed the two very intent pair of eyes watching him and his girlfriend as they easily fought some of the worlds mightiest heroes. The redheaded lady looked shocked when Percy threw her off and she regained her bearings after Percy had already gotten up from the ground and ripped off his suit jacket. She again looked surprised.

Why had this man with black hair and green eyes had such an effect on Natasha? She had no reason to feel weak against him. She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she lunged again. The man sidestepped her attack and spun so that he was again facing her. Natasha pushed herself up with her arms and from the low lunge position she was in, she swept her outstretched leg under the man behind her and knocked him to the ground. She heard a thud as he fell and cast a quick glance at how her friend Clint was doing with the other girl. He was shooting arrows at her! Clint! Thats not fair, if he was going to use weapons so would she. She pulled a knife from her thigh sheath and spun to once again face the man with black hair. She stood ready to attack him and he stood relaxed watching the other girl fight Clint. Natasha smiled to herself, he was paying her no attention, this was going to be easier than she thought. For the third time she lunged at the man and slashed at him with her knife. The tip nearly caught the mans sleeve but he again moved away from her, never taking his eyes off of the other fight. She too looked over and saw that the was having a close range fist fight with Clint, when did he stop using his bow? Natasha wanted to fight this man again, he was turning out to be a good fight.

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