Wei Wuxian was furious, his eyes turned red, and his power surged. "I would never sleep with anyone other than my husband! We're here to stop you! Do you know who I am?!
I'm the yiling patriarch and could crush your soul into nothingness! The feared founder of demonic cultivation. But my hubby will get mad if I don't let Jingyi do something before I step in." He said darkly with menace.

Jingyi had never seen his senior angry before and didn't know that he could. He shivered with goosebumps.

The ghost halted and hitched a breath. "You... The Yiling patriarch!! You bastard! You killed my family!" She said with hatred.

Wei Wuxian realized, "You're a wen aren't you?! I killed y'all because you killed my old sect's disciples and my adoptive parents. And it wasn't just me, it was the four major clans. Y'all destroyed everything that I loved. I had to give my golden core to my brother, because he was prideful. The turmoil I went through caused my destruction. I'm back in a new body and have found love. I regret my mistakes from back then but I can't change it." With each word his power surged higher and higher.

The other children and Lan WangJi could feel the spiritual pressure. The kids realized how strong Senior Wei was. But wondered what could make him so angry that his spiritual powers increased.

Wei Wuxian then realized thinking to himself, 'huh? Wait why is this much coming out without my golden core?! Why do I have my golden core? He then remembered that Jiang Cheng told him that he, was going to hire someone to magically switch their golden cores and ask for his old one.'

Lan WangJi knew the whole time and shook his head, 'Wei Ying!' He smiled.

Tears suddenly fell down Wei wuxian's cheeks. "I have my golden core back?!" Suddenly the door slammed open and non other than Jiang Cheng stood there with suibian. "Wei Ying! You better thank me later!! You're my brother and I may not like that you're a cutsleeve but it's who you happened to fall in love with. You're shameless, and reckless, but if you're upset don't keep it in and pretend everything is okay. If you were in love you should have told me! I could tell that you were since we studied back then, it was so embarrassing that you didn't catch the hint of your husband's feelings. Now seal that hag away for good. She is not a being that the kid should handle." He yelled.
" Jingyi get out of here!" Wei Wuxian told him.

Lan Jingyi froze, "but! Hanguang...."

Jiang Cheng cut him off, "he said to get you out of here! He told me that she is something only adults should deal with. He could feel it through your surge of energy!"

Jingyi ran out of the room. The ghost bride tried to grab him but Wei Wuxian unsheathed his sword and swung at her. He unreleased suibian's seal of protection. The spirit inside his sword smiled.

'Master, you're finally back!' He was in the spirit world along with his counterpart Bichen, Lan WangJi's sword spirit. WangJi, Lan WangJi's guqin and chenqing, Wei wuxian's flute. They were surprised.
Suibian unsealed his protection and sent his energy to his master. Wei Wuxian blushed, 'I haven't felt his presence in a long time. Suibian I'm sorry for abandoning you. Will you ever forgive me?!"

Wei Wuxian used the spiritual power his sword gave him to paralyze the ghost and exorcised her. He let out a sigh when she was no longer there.

He fell on his knees and cried. Jiang Cheng looked down at him from above. "Why are you crying?! Get up! You're the yiling patriarch! Your husband will think I did something to you! I wonder what our parents would say about your relationship! Heh! Mom probably wouldn't be happy! But Dad would let you do anything! Our sister would be happy to hear that you got married into the Lan Sect. But y'all should have a grand ceremony to announce it. To kill those fucking rumors that you sleep around. Who do they think you are? But tell me... you've done it haven't you?!"

Wei WuXian looked up at him flabbergasted, "Did... Did you just say something about a wedding ceremony?! And what do you mean by do it? Sex?"

Jiang Cheng glared, "yes! what else could I be talking about dumbass! I haven't actually physically passed you to the Lan Sect! Our parents would be ashamed of me to not do that!!"

Wei Wuxian's lips trembled, "about the sex thing, um... Lan Zhan... Lan Zhan and I have done it, multiple times. He does me almost everyday! It fucking hurt the first time. And I would love to have a ceremony, to shut those fucking liars up! Also.. Jiang Cheng, you're still single aren't you? Maybe you should get together with Lan Xixchen, and become a cutsleeve like me? Heh?! Unless you've been keeping this from me! Have you?!"

Jiang Cheng trembled and blushed, "Lan Xichen and... Xichen and I....." He was so nervous.

"'Xichen and I' what?" Wei Wuxian looked at him curiously.

Jiang Cheng's face turned completely red from embarrassment, "Xichen and I are going out!!!" He yelled.

Wei Wuxian was flabbergasted. "Um... Jiang Cheng I was actually joking about that.... but you... you're together with my husband's brother?!!! Hahahaha! The twin-heroes of yunmeng together with the twin-jades of Gusu!! Uncle will surely stroke with anger!!! Hahahaha!" He laughed until tears came out.

Jiang Cheng yelled, "Uncle Lan already knows! The reason he was angry about your relationship was because he thought you were joking as usual and we all realized you were in love from the start. How dumb and oblivious could you be to someone's feelings? He even confessed at nightless city. But apparently you can't remember those days. I want you to know that I'm sorry for what I did to you. If you had told me about the golden core, I wouldn't have planned the assassination of you."

Wei WuXian smiles, "Jiang Cheng! I'm sorry! No one killed me actually, my powers backfired after destroying the Stygian tiger seal, once you destroy it it actually backfires your spiritual powers 10 times the amount that you put on it. I put all of my power and that's why I died. Let's go!"

They may not be how they were back then when they were 15 but they mended their relationship back together and tease each other now and then when they see each other.

After this incident they decided to ask Uncle Lan to do a formal wedding for Lan WangJi and Wei Wuxian. He said yes, because actually Wei WuXian can teach the juniors about cultivation better than anyone. Because he in fact was one of the strongest cultivators in his generation. His husband on the other hand was the strongest.

The next chapter will be about the wedding ceremony and a feast. I can't wait to draw Wei WuXian in wedding robes! Gahhhh!

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