Chapter 5; Snow Blob of Victory

Start from the beginning

"I haven't seen you smile and laugh this much since you dated Rom-"

"Don't you dare!" I interrupted him, "You promised me we would never talk about him again."

Shayne was quiet for a moment, "sorry." His voice was much quieter this time.

I just turned over in bed, not wanting to even face in Shayne's direction anymore. His name brought up so many bad memories...memories I have tried so hard to forget or at least lock in a box at the back of my mind. Not everything was bad, in fact the beginning of our relationship was was everything that happened after that made me never want to even hear his name again. I heard the sink running in the bathroom along with the sounds of Damien brushing his teeth.

"I'm going to get some water," I mumbled, pushing the blankets off me and standing up.

"Wait, Y/N, I didn't mean just came out! Don't leave."

"I need to get a drink." I shut the bedroom door behind me, ignoring Shayne as I made my way down the hallway. Every step was a chore as I tried to think about happier things.

Damien's smile. The sound of his laugh.


Sighing I shook my head, trying again. Okay, the smell of Damien's body wash. The feeling of falling asleep in his arms. The feeling of safety in his arms as he squeezes me tighter to him.

The smell of cigarette smoke and stale liquor clinging to his breath. Cringing at the stench as he stepped closer to me, his large hands dragging my reluctant form towards him. Trying to push myself out of his grasp only for the sudden sound of his hand hitting my face and the sharp pain to stop my protests. The feeling of his cold lips pressing into my neck, sending disgusted shivers down my spine. Pleading with him to let me go. My begging only being met with gruff laughter and a callused hand being shoved up the back of my shirt.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump, trying to get as far away from the touch as I could.

"Woah! Woah!" Joven held his hands up in surrender, his eyes filled with concern. Sighing in relief I wrapped my arms around Joven, resting my head on his shoulder. "What's going on, sweetheart? What happened?"

"Nothing," I said, but I couldn't help the way my voice came out wobbly or how I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face and soaking the front of his sweater, "just a bad dream." Joven just hummed and wrapped his arms around my back, sliding his palms in wide circles while trying to soothe me. He started to gently sway us back in forth.

"It's okay," Joven whispered, "it wasn't real. You're safe."

"I know," I sobbed into his shoulder, "but I wasn't back then."

Joven tensed for a second before he continued swaying us and rubbing my back. I heard a door open at the end of the hall and knew it was either Damien or Shayne. Joven just turned us so that my back was to the hallway and he was the one facing whoever it was. I just pulled myself closer to him when I felt him shake his head 'no'.

"Y/N?" Damien's voice was soft and gentle. Joven dropped one of his hands from my back and I felt him using that arm to motion something.

I could picture how Damien must look right now, his eyes filled with worry, his brow probably furrowed as he watched Joven hold me. The last he saw I was smiling up at him as he left the bed.

"Y/N," Damien said again very softly, Joven just sighed from above me, "I'm right here if you need someone."

I couldn't help the sob that tore through me at the sadness in his voice. I slowly let go of Joven and turned to Damien. Not a mili-second after I had turned to him did he have me wrapped in his arms, one hand holding the back of my head and the other around my back squeezing me to him.

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