11; is this her period talking?

Start from the beginning

I jumped up and sat up on my bed, furrowing my eyebrows and burying my face into my hoodie covered palms.

"I can't!" I groaned loudly into my palms.

"You can't what?" Dylan walks back out of the bathroom, looking for his phone.

"Get out of my house," I said bluntly.

"What?" the confused expression draped across his face, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I stared at the floor.

I understand that currently, I may look a little weird to Dylan, but the longer he stays in my sight, the faster I will forget about all the things that he's done. He's that attractive.

"Okay," he trails off and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry," I stammered and covered my face, "Period happens, you know," I paused, "Uh, I need my space?"

Dylan's face changes from confused to slightly amused and awkward. He nods slowly with a weird grin on his face and points at the door, "I'll be on my way."

"Bye," I pressed my lips together in a thin line and waved at him.

Before he opens the door, he does a second take and jogs back to me. As soon as I was about to open my mouth to tell him to leave, he plants a kiss directly on my forehead and rubs my back.

He then pulls away and walks towards my bedroom door.

"Uh Joseph," I said quietly, "my dad's assistant can take you outside."

He nods reassuringly and leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.

The moment the door closed, I leaped into my bed and face planted right into the pillow. I screamed loud enough for me to relieve my stress, but quiet enough for Dylan not to possibly hear me.

He's bad. He's bad. He's bad.

He took pictures of you.

He took pictures of that one girl you saw on Instagram.

He's a lying piece of shit. He may seem sweet and sure as hell is handsome, HE IS WEIRD.

Remember what Ryan showed you.

All this self thinking made me feel a little bit better about myself. I shouldn't fall for him, instead he should fall for me.

With that, the first step I should do is step up my confidence.

And how do I do that?

My eyes rotated around the room and landed on my school uniform. A huge grin plastered across my face and I ran straight into the bathroom.

I took a shower, blow dried and curled my hair properly for the first time in a long time. I applied makeup, a little more than usual.

Then I got dressed in my uniform.

I walked over to my huge body sized mirror.

There is something I should be able to do, that is still in terms with the dress code.

I bit the inside of my cheek and turned to my side, looking at my body in the mirror. I held the top of the skirt and folded it down by an inch, pulling the skirt up higher.

It looks stupid.

I'm trying to feel confident, not look like a ..

I pulled the skirt back down normally and looked at myself in the mirror.

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