CHAPTER 11: Oh No.....This Isn't Good

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This was terrible. I should have been honest with Gorton from the start and never should have kept this from him.

Now he won't talk to me. He has made sure, since hearing everything the other day that he doesn't get the chance to see me.

I feel broken and disappointed along with being scared. He's like my best friend. The brother I never had.

I've been wondering lately what I will do if I don't have him in mine or the baby's life. They would never know their uncle. Never get to stay up late while he babysits and feed them candy before handing them back to me. Nothing.

I was glad I no longer had to go to school but things were still bad. I mean, it's great having Kolsen come over and help me with setting things up and being here for me. But I just really needed some time so I haven't seen him neither in the last couple of days in hopes of talking to Gorton by catching him walking in from work, but I have fallen asleep each time.

Tonight though, while laying on the couch and watching TV, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me yelp loudly and grab my stomach while sitting up.

"Calm down little one. That hurts mommy." I tell the baby.

It comes again and I start to panic as it gets even worse. Oh my god, something's wrong. I can feel it. I quickly try to grab my phone and I dial the first number I see.

"Hey babe." Kolsen answers.

"K-Kolsen.." I start.

"What's wrong? Alise?" He asks and I feel another sharp kick and I drop to my knees and onto the floor, while holding my stomach and screaming in pain as I hear Kolsen yell out through the phone at me.

It didn't take too long until the door opened and I saw Kolsen.

"Baby what is it? What's wrong?" He asks panicked.

"Something's wrong with the baby." I cry.

"Okay, come on. I'll take you to the doctor." He says and next he lifts me up off the ground while carrying me bridal style down the stairs outside and into his car.

He starts going really fast and I try to tell him to be careful but the pain is too excruciating I can't even say anything.

"Hold on baby, we are almost there." He tells me.

Next I look over at him and notice his eyes start to change. They are glassed over with a greyish-white color. But before anything else, I remember everything becoming a blur and then passing out.


When I tried to open my eyes I felt a little groggy and tired as if I hadn't slept in a long time.

Once they were opened, I noticed I was inside a very nice bedroom that had some blue walls and looked like a guys room but really luxurious.

This can't be the hospital. Yet it's definitely not the apartment, so where in the hell did he take me?!

I next, began to try and sit up slowly and was only able to get as far as halfway when leaning back against the headboard and pillows.

Then I heard the bedroom door begin to open and in walked a man who looked to be in his early fifties with silver hair gelled back along with being very tall and seemed almost dressed as though he was from the 1800's or something.

"Well it's good to see you awake." He smiles at me.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask him.

"Don't be afraid. I'm a doctor of Kolsen's family. You and your baby are fine, he's just been kicking the crap out of you because he can't wait to come out." He laughs a little.

I laugh a little too though I am confused.

"But the baby is only 11-1/2 weeks. It has a long way to go." I tell him.

"We'll talk about that when you are more awake. I'll explain everything." He assures me.

"Explain what?" I ask.

"I'll be right back in. There's some people who would like to see you and have been very worried." He smiles at me while still avoiding an explanation of what he meant.

"But...." I start asking but then I heard the door open up and in walked people who I have never met before along with both of Kolsen's parents, Kolsen and Gorton?

"Gorton?" I asked in disbelief while tearing up.

"Hey." He smiles.

As he got closer, I had noticed he had a black eye and a busted lip but that Kolsen had a black eye too.

"Oh my god. What the hell happened?" I asked him.

He looks back at Kolsen before back at me and smiles.

"Kolsen and I talked." He says. "How are you though?" He asks worried.

"I'm fine. I don't know what happened, but I'm fine." I tell him.

"I'm sorry I've ignored you." He tells me.

"It's okay. I understand." I assure him with a smile.

He smiles back at me.

"You know, that guy ain't so bad." He says while nodding his head back at Kolsen.

I just smile at him. He then starts to stand and Kolsen's parents both looked at me and asked how I was feeling. Then they all looked at each other, I had a sense that something was going on that they weren't telling me.

"What is it? What's going on? Why wasn't I taken to the hospital?" I asked.

Everybody looks at Kolsen and then back at me with sympathy in their eyes before the doctor walks over towards me and pulls up a chair beside the bed.

Oh shit, what the hell was he about to tell me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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