CHAPTER 10: We Need To Talk

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We ate at the restaurant and sat there for a little while, talking about random stuff.

"Thank you." She tells me.

"Thank you for including me." I tell her.

She nods as she places one last fry into her mouth.

"So, what now?" She asks.

"I am leaving that up to you. I mean, to be honest, I know I don't deserve a second chance or anything but, I really do want to be a part of yours and the baby's life. Even if you don't want to be with me, I can learn to accept that." I tell her while looking down at my hands on my lap.

"You can learn to accept that?" She asks.

"Yeah. You might not believe me but, I really like you a lot. I can't stop thinking about you  and I want to be part of not just your life but the baby's life also." I admit.

From the silence I can tell she isn't too happy right now. I'm afraid to even make eye contact with her right now.

"Okay." She says.

I look up at her not sure entirely if I really heard her correctly.

"What?" I asked just to make sure.

"I said okay. I can give you another chance. Not so much for the baby's sake but because, I really like you too and want to be with you." She admits.

I smile at her as she starts smiling back at me.

"I promise you won't regret it. In fact, if you want to, you can move in with me." I suggest.

"Uh, we need to not jump that far ahead just yet. One step at a time." She says.

"Right. I'm sorry." I apologize feeling embarrassed and like a dumb ass for suggesting it even. Of course it's too soon dummy. I thought to myself.

"I'm not saying never." She says reaching over the table a little and taking my hand into hers. "Just not tomorrow or next week." She laughs.

"I know." I smile back at her and look down at our enlaced fingers as I gently begin rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb.

When we were finished, I took her home and Gorton seemed to be out still. Rather or not he would be there, I still would have helped carry the stuff inside.

After putting the last bag into the living room, I began helping her put things away when the door opened up abruptly and slammed hard against the wall.

In came a very pissed off Gorton.

"Alise!" He yells and starts looking around.

"Yeah?" She asks while walking up to him.

"You're a fucking dead man!" He points and glares at me while stomping his way over towards me.

"Calm down." Alise tries to stop Gorton but wasn't able to as he pushes beside her and throws a blow to my face making me lose my balance until I caught myself on the counter.

My wolf was pissed off and normally, I would give it back to the person times ten but I know he had a good reason for it. Then I felt another blow come to me.

"You asshole! You fucking left her! Denied that it was your baby! Allowed her to get bullied! You're a fucking little bitch if you ask me!" He yells after Alise was able to get him off of me and was struggling to hold him back.

"I know." I admit. "I know I fucked up. But please, I'm wanting to make it up to her." I try to explain.

"No! Fuck that! You stay the hell away from her and the baby motherfucker or else!" He threatens me.

"Stop it!" Alise yells out.

We both just look at her while I wipe the blood from my mouth.

"What?!" He snaps at her.

"Him and I are trying things out. He is the father after all and has proven for a while now that he is nothing like he was before." She starts to explain.

"Are you kidding me?" He asks her pissed still. "You seriously are gonna believe him?" He asks.

"I don't know yet. But we're just taking things slow." She tries to explain to him.

"I don't believe this. How can you be so fucking stupid?! I thought you were better than that?!" He tells her and then leaves the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

I knew that was like telling her he was disappointed in her and knew also that it killed her to know she did because he is the only family really that she has left.

So I walk up to her and hold her tight as she wraps her arms around me tightly and I try stroking her hair to calm her down and assure her everything will be alright and that he just needs a chance to cool down as she continues sobbing into my chest.

I know also that I need to talk to him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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