CHAPTER 29: Nightmare

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I felt relieved to say the least, when Kolsen's mom informed us about certain things Noah will be experiencing due to his abilities. Though it also at the same time made me feel a little afraid of him getting upset with any one of us and hurting us or worse.

After putting Noah down for a nap, I headed back downstairs and noticed that Kolsen was in his office and had gone back to his Alpha duties as he began reading emails and  although I knew better than to interrupt him at times like that, I just needed his comfort. Just his prescence was good enough for me.

So I walked up and knocked on the door at first. "Enter." He says.

Once I opened the door and began to walk inside, both my wolf and I felt happy as we were instantly comforted and calmed more by his presence.

"Alpha?" I asked him as if I were asking permission to do something I was afraid of him approving of.

"Yes?" He smiled.

"I know you're busy and I was just wondering if I could stay in here with you and not say anything or interrupt you in any way?" I began.

"Of course." He smiles.

"Thank you." I tell him feeling relieved.

"Is everything alright though?" He asks with concern.

"Not really. Just that my wolf and I didn't want to be alone with our thoughts at the moment." I confessed.

I picked out a book from the hundreds they had in this room and found one that looked interesting and started reading it while sitting on the couch.

Moments later, I could hear his wolf trying to mind link mine and ask if him and her can be together and go for a run. Of course this excited my wolf as much as his but I had to try and calm her down and tell her not to interrupt our mate otherwise we will be kicked out.

I then heard him clear his throat and the chair next make a skidding noise against the hardwood floor as he he stood up.

"Well, I'm all done and since Noah's going to be sleeping for a while, what do you say we go and let our wolves spend some time together?" He smiles at me.

"I think that would shut them up." I teased.

We both laughed and then gave each other a kiss before leaving into the woods and instantly shifting before our wolves then ran for several miles until they both exhausted themselves to where they had to stop to take a break.

"He's going to be okay." My wolf mind links his.

"Yes. I know. I think both Alise and Kolsen know that too. I can't wait to see what Noah does with his abilities. It's an honor to have him as a son." His wolf says.

"It is ins't it?! It's almost as if in a way he was born literally with enhanced talents." My wolf laughs a little.

"We can still hear you guys, you know that right?" I remind my wolf.

"Hush. This is mine and his time." My wolf snaps at me.

"Don't you snap at me. You both interrupt us some times also." I fire back at her.

They finish talking and then lay beside one another giving each other kisses before rolling around and playing with each other until we had to start making our way back home before Noah woke up from his nap.

When we returned home, Noah seemed to have woken up from a nightmare as he was crying so hard and Kolsen's mom had tried to calm him down, but wasn't able to.

"Oh thank god you guys are back. He's been crying so hard and loud since he woke up. I think he had a nightmare." She tells us as I can tell it breaks her heart as much as it does mine and Kolsen's to hear that.

He then reaches out for me and lays his head down on my shoulder and Kolsen rubs his back as we both try and calm him down.

Although instantly, it doesn't take too long before he does calm down.

I wonder what his dream was about.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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