I Promise.

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The morning sun seeped through Marinette's windows as she opened her eyes. She climbed down to her computer and turned it on as a red news warning flashed in the corner. She didn't need to read that it was an akuma attack from the loud booms that echoed outside. That must've been what woke her up. She quickly called her transformation on and leaped through her balcony trapdoor. She leaped from building to building as she heard a loud roar.

She observed him for a moment, watching as he lifted things with what she assumed to be telekinesis. She looked around, hoping to see her partner but he was no where to be seen. "Great." She mumbled to herself. She got closer and managed to throw her yo-yo, gaining his attention. "Hey! You!"

The villain turned around as he grumbled. "I AM GRAVITON!" He put his hand to his glasses as he lifted Ladybug into the air. He pushed his hand out causing her to do a summersault as she flew through the air, colliding with the one and only Chat Noir. "Are those the only words he knows how to say? Hm... Anyways, great way to start the morning off, M'Lady!" He smiled as he helped her to her feet. "It's about time you decided to show up."

"I think the akuma is in his glasses. He keeps touching them when he uses his telekinesis." Ladybug pointed to the small pair of square glasses that sat on the bridge of the villains nose. "I can use my cataclysm if you can distract him."

"Let's do this. Lucky charm!" A glass jar of marbles fell into her hands as she looked around for clues. A smirk played across her face as she nodded to her partner. She threw the large glass jar at the giants feet, making it shatter as marbles rolled across the pavement. He threw his arms as he lost his balance, falling to the ground. "Cataclysm!"

The akuma flew out of the glasses as Ladybug purified it. "Pound it!" They fist bumped and smiled at each other as Ladybug started to swing her yo-yo. "See you later, Chat." He watched as she swung away and finally left the scene himself.

When Marinette got back to her balcony, she slipped through the trap door and called her transformation off. "Good Job, Marinette!" Tikki said as she flew out, smiling. Marinette sighed and handed her a cookie. She plopped down on her bed and closed her eyes. "Thanks, Tikki. I couldn't have done it without you."

As Marinette laid there, the sadness started to creep its way back in. Pools of tears started to form in her eyes as she quickly wiped them. It was as if being Ladybug cleared her mind from the dark thoughts but as soon as she detransformed, they returned. Then again, she did remember Tikki explaining to her that the mood of the kwami's fused with them while they were transformed, so being happy wasn't really her. It was Tikki's emotions.

"Princess? May I come in?" Marinette's eyes shot open as she looked above her to find a masked cat man staring down at her. She sat up quickly, making sure Tikki was well hidden. When she saw her in her hiding spot she smiled and turned back to Chat Noir. He held out a single pink rose as he hung upside down from the trap door. Marinette smiled gently and took the rose from him. "Hey, Kitty."

She pressed her finger down a bit too hard on a thorn, making a small bit of blood trickle down her finger. "Princess? Hey! What are you doing?" He fell on his head as he quickly sat up and took the pink rose away. "I'm okay, it's just..." She looked up at his face to find it full of worry. "It's just a small prick, Chat Noir."

"No, I'm going to find a bandage. Come on." He climbed down her bed, holding his hand out for Marinette to take. Once they were in the bathroom, he picked her up and put her on the counter as he rummaged through the drawers, looking for the first aid kit. He paused when his hand hit something sharp.

He knitted his eyebrows together as he looked down, seeing the silver blade. "What is this?" He held it up as her eyes widened in complete horror. "Uh... that's... for... s-shaving! You know... girls shave their... legs because uh..." Marinette's sentence was cut off with a gasp as Chat Noir grabbed her arm, pulling her sleeve up.

"Marinette... what is this? Why... why do you have these bandages?" She pulled her arm back and frowned as she made up an excuse. "You know how clumsy I am! I'm surprised I haven't earned an award for most clumsiest girl in Paris!" She laughed nervously as she finally looked up at him. He met her gaze with a deadpan. "You really think I believe that?" He took her arm back as he started to unwrap the bandages. "Chat! No! Please...!"

His face paled when he saw her wrist. He was at a complete loss for words. "Chat Noir, I'm sorry! Okay? I... It's really not a big deal! I'm fine! It doesn't even hurt..." He finally sighed and shook his head as he continued his search for the bandages. When he finally found them, he wrapped her finger and then rewrapped the bandages that he had taken off of her wrists. His silence was starting to scare her and she finally decided to speak up again. "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect you to-"

"Find out about it? You didn't expect me to notice the bandages on your wrist and... find out about it. Right?" He shook his head in disbelief and put the first aid kit away. "How long has this been going on?" He pressed both of his hands down on the counter as he leaned down to look at her face. She felt trapped from the way he was positioned in front of her. "You know you can talk to me, Marinette."

"I don't know... It's been a while..." When he heard her response, his ears drooped even lower than they already were. "Marinette, you... you are worth so much more than this. Please don't do this to yourself. Please don't hurt yourself. There are people that care about you, so much!"

"You don't understand..." Tears started strolling down her cheeks as she spoke. "They only care because... because they feel sorry for me. They pity me, Chat! Everyone does! I have... no one... " Her voice cracked as her whole body started to tremble. "What? No! That's not true, you have me. And I'm sure you have other friends who care about you..."

His words echoed through the small bathroom as he wrapped his arms around her. A feeling of security coursed through her as she leaned into him. He was like a safe haven. Her safe haven. She knew she could count on him deep down, even if it was just his job to be there for the citizens of Paris. He finally pulled away and lifted her chin so her eyes would meet his.

"Let's get some fresh air. I think we both need it." He smiled as he helped her down from the bathroom counter. They went to the balcony and watched the few cars below them pass by. After a bit, Chat Noir finally broke the silence. "Promise me something, Princess? Promise me that you will tell me next time before you... hurt yourself. Please? I don't like seeing you like this."

She looked over at him as a slight blush dusted across her cheeks. She wanted to promise, but could she really keep it? "I... I promise." She mumbled the words out quietly, keeping her gaze down, on the streets below them. "Thank you. I'm glad we talked, and I'm glad you trust me. Also... I promise I'll be here for you, any time okay? Don't hesitate to reach out."

He smiled sweetly at her before pouncing off. Marinette watched after him until she couldn't see him anymore. She finally went back inside and shut her balcony door as she laid on her bed. She fidgeted with the bandage on her finger as she let out a long sigh.
"Why does he have to care so much?" She rolled to her side and closed her eyes as the realization of tomorrow being Monday hit her. She had to go back to school.

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