State Of Mind

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Chat Noir was frozen, his eyes wide open and his heart pounding loudly in his chest when her lips met his.

'Now I definitely have something on my mouth' He internally screamed at himself.

He pulled away from the girl quickly, putting his hand to his lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but to him, it felt like a lifetime. Marinette frowned and gave him a pout in disappointment. The street light they were under highlighted her face, making her blue eyes seem brighter than they were before.


He tried to control the shakiness of his words as he spoke.

"I-I should take you back to..."

"No! I'm not going back."

"Yes, you are. You aren't supposed to leave until you're better."

He tried to push the fact that he just kissed Marinette to the side so he could focus on her safety and health.

"I'm not going back."

The blonde haired boy quickly leaned forward, picking Marinette up in his arms, not giving her a choice. He tried to be gentle since she was still weak and her body hadn't fully recovered from falling yet.

"Yes you are, come on."

She yelped in pain, trying to break free from his strong arms but couldn't since her body was still weak.

"Chat Noir, put me down!"

Now that he thought of it, she did remind him of Ladybug. Her stubbornness, especially.
Oh, how he wanted to tell her,
'Mari your Ladybug is showing.'
But he couldn't. Because she didn't know that he knew yet.

"I'll put you down as soon as we get to the hospital."

"No! Put me down or I'll..."

"You'll what?"

Chat Noir looked down at the girl who was now fuming with anger. This wasn't the Marinette he knew. Something seemed off about the way she was acting. Before she could respond to his question, he pressed the button on his baton, lifting them both up into the air and into the direction of the hospital.

"Marinette tried to escape yesterday."


Adrien sat beside Marinette's parents as the nurse explained the situation to them. He was trying to visit her again when her parents came in frantically after they received a phone call about their daughter. When they saw him, they drug him back to the small office room with them.

"She... somehow managed to climb through the window. We're glad she didn't hurt herself even more. We believe the medication she is... was currently taking made her have risk taking behaviors. It's a common side effect. She is no longer on it now. Luckily Chat Noir noticed her and brung her back before anything worse could happen."

"So you're telling us that our daughter could have been seriously injured... even more injured than she already is because you put her on a certain medication and didn't have her under proper supervision?! She could have died!"

Tom's face burned red from anger. He was glad his daughter was okay but he still worried about her. She was their only child, after all.

"Tom, honey..." Sabine softly squeezed the man's hand trying to get him to calm down a bit. Though, she completely understood why he'd be upset about this. She was upset about it as well. She just didn't like seeing her husband upset and angry.

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