Broken Promises

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Ladybug quickly stood up and started towards the window again.

"Thanks for the talk b-but I'd better go."

She swung her yo-yo from the window but before she could pull herself away, Adrien grabbed her hand.

"You're not... mad at me, are you?"

"I'm not mad, just confused I guess. I'll see you later."


He tightened his grip on her wrist, making her flinch. He let it go quickly and backed away.

"I'm sorry..."

She pulled her hand to her chest and held her wrist with her other hand. She knew the cuts were probably going to start bleeding again if she didn't leave. She didn't want to upset him.

"Goodnight, Adrien."

She pulled her yo-yo to make sure it was secure before pulling herself away. Adrien went to the window, resting both hands on the glass as he watched her swing away.

"Good going, kid. I told you that you should've been honest with her."

Plagg stuck a piece of Camembert in his mouth.

"I was honest! That's why she left. Do you think she's upset?"

"If I left a piece of Camembert under your bed for a whole week would you be upset?"

"That's not- what?"

"Exactly. Now go to sleep. You have school tomorrow."

Adrien rubbed his arm as he climbed back into bed.

He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing if she was upset or not.

"Spots off."

Marinette flopped on her bed when she got home. She buried her face in the pillows and tried to shut out the thoughts.

"Marinette, you shouldn't have been so hard on him. He was trying to be nice!"

"I know! I don't know why I left. I should've stayed."

"Too late now. But don't worry! Tomorrow is a new day. Talk to him then!"

"I don't even want to go to school tomorrow. I feel awful."

"No, Marinette. You have to go. You have to face your problems or you'll end up overthinking everything!"

"I'm already overthinking everything, Tikki!"

Marinette groaned and pulled herself back up. She noticed the blood was starting to seep through the bandages so she drug herself to the bathroom to change them.

She opened the cabinet to get new bandages but the small blade caught her eye. She picked it up and glanced to her bathroom door.

It was so... tempting.

She whined, quickly shutting the bathroom door and locking it.
Maybe one or two wouldn't hurt.

After all, it was her fault that Adrien avoided her for nearly a week.

That was an excuse, right?

She held the blade to her skin, making two deep cuts as a knock arrived at her door. She dropped the blade as her heart started pounding.

"Marinette? I didn't mean to upset you. Can we talk?"

The blue haired girl frantically looked around for the blade but couldn't find it. Blood dripped to the floor almost too quickly.

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