"Who?" I asked.

"My guitar. His name is Humphrey," he repeated, putting on his strap.

"Oh.... okay," I replied. "He's very cool. It suits him."

"He grinned, again. "I didn't choose it. Alana did."

I smirked, and looked at Josh. "Alana, eh?"

"Oh, fuck off." He threw a pillow aggressively at me.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Charlie laughed.

"What's got your knickers in a twist!" Blaidd repeated, chuckling. "Charlie that was amazing." Charlie and Blaidd high fived.

"What's the deal with Alana? Ever since I mentioned her name you've been funny about it," I said, genuinely curious.

Josh kept quiet, Charlie sighed.

"Well, the thing is...last year she was walking home...and a car hit her," Blaidd sniffled.

"Wait what?" I said, "are you...are you being serious?"

"Dead. Serious," Charlie said, "I thought Josh would've told you already..."

Josh puffed. "Nothing happened to her, Finn...she's alive and well...these dickheads just wanted to see your reaction." He then threw sweets at both of them.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed, "I genuinely thought she was dead."

Blaidd snorted, "Sorry, dude, but I just had to."

"Wish you went along with it, though," Charlie puffed, shoving Josh, "spoilt the whole thing."

"Oh, sorry that I didn't want Finn to think one of his friends is dead. How inconsiderate of me," Josh said.

"He's just annoyed cause he has a fat crush on her," Blaidd laughed.

I smirked. "So you still like her, then?"

"No." He replied bluntly. "You all know this."

"I didn't," I replied, pretending to be stern.

"Well all do respect Finn, but you have been in care for the past 5 years so there is no way you would know," Josh said.

"Fair point. Well taken," I replied.

Blaidd and Charlie rolled their eyes and mouthed he's not over her.

I laughed.

"What the hell are you two up to?" Josh asked.

"Nothing," Charlie and Blaidd answered, in perfect unison.

We spoke for a while, about the band and how their Music GCSE's are going; Josh plays bass, Charlie plays guitar and drums, and Blaidd rocks, Humphrey. Whilst Josh was downstairs, we talked about whether or not we should invite Alana. Putting aside everything that's happened between her and Josh, I was curious about how Alana turned out.

"Guys, do you think we should ask Alana if she wants to come out?" I asked.

"That'd be chill," replied Blaidd, acting as if we hadn't rehearsed the whole thing.

"Charlie?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" he answered, banging the drumsticks on his knees.


"No," he answered, bluntly.

"Afraid you're gonna get all nervous when you see her?" Blaidd laughed. Josh's face turned red.

"No... no..." he flustered. "I just thought we were gonna have a day with just the guys today. Play on the Xbox...that sort of thing..."

"Gay," Charlie blurted out.

"And we've got Finn-"

"It's not like I'm a stranger. I've known her since primary school," I interrupted.

"Shit," Josh muttered under his breath. "Can't it just be us today?"

"Too late," Charlie said. "I just texted her. She's gonna meet us soon."

"Oh, you dickhead." Josh sighed.

Blaidd and I burst out laughing.

The Old Tuck ShopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora