Perfect Strangers

Start from the beginning

   "Yeah I don't know what to think of him either. I guess it's good that we're going out for dinner today then. Besides, I'm starvingggggg." Peter says dramatically and I roll me eyes at his antics.

Before he can speed off, I enlist his help. "Hey Pie, can you help me pick out an outfit?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. He looks at me for a second before giving in.

   "Fine. But only because you're my little sister." He smirks as I punch him in the arm.

   "Only by 12 seconds." I remind him and he mocks me before jumping on the bed.

I finally try on my ninth option, fearing that there is no perfect outfit. It's a really pretty red dress that's flowy at the bottom.

   "What do you think?" I ask nervously awaiting my brother's approval. He says nothing as he stares at me and motions for me to turn around.

After a second, he finally responds. "I love it!" He exclaims and I let out a sigh a relief. I look at myself in the mirror for a second, my mind wandering to tonight's meal.

"Are you nervous?" I finally ask him and he speeds in front of me.

   "Are you kidding me? I'm totally nervous. But I have a good feeling." He reassures me and I give him a hug.

"Wanna help me pick out an outfit?" He asks and I nod, following him into his room.

   "You are NOT wearing your silver jacket Peter." I demand and he groans before closing the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   We all meet in the front room of the mansion. Right now I'm waiting for the twins to come with Erik. He has on a black turtle neck and these plaid pants with dress shoes.

   I'm wearing a simple light blue button down shirt with dress pants. We're going out to Marcelli's, this fancy restaurant in the town over. Erik wanted to have the first meal with his family be a nice one.

"It's been nearly fifteen minutes Charles." Erik complains and I laugh.

   "They'll be here soon." I tell him and then in a flash Peter comes downstairs. He's ditched his iconic silver jacket, instead wearing a nice dark blue button down, but still in his favorite silver sneakers.

   "You look very handsome Peter." Erik comments awkwardly and Peter responds with the same amount of awkwardness.

   "Thanks man. You too." We stay in awkward silence until Wanda saves us by coming down the stairs, in a flower red dress with her auburn hair slightly curled.

"Ready to go?" She asks happily and I am suddenly hearing Erik's loud thoughts.

   God she looks just like Magda.

   He thinks painfully and I can't help but feel sorry for my friend.

   "Wanda, you look absolutely beautiful! Red is your color." Erik exclaims and she smiles widely.

   "Thanks!" She says happily and we all head out to the car.

   Once we arrive at the restaurant we are immediately brought to our seats. Wanda and Peter are sitting next to each other, with Erik sits on Wanda's other side, leaving my in the seat next to him and Peter.

   "Wow this place is so fancy." Wanda says.

   "Yeah I know right! I don't think I've ever been anywhere this fancy in my entire life!" Peter exclaims like a giddy school boy, earning a laugh from Erik and I.

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