Night Changes

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Third Person P.O.V:

   "We're not going to your dumb bookstore, Wanda. You already have enough books at home." Peter continued to argue.

   Despite their bickering, Erik couldn't help the slight smile that appeared on his face upon hearing Peter refer to the mansion as home.

   "I do not! Plus, I've already read them all." Wanda insisted, refusing to cave in.

   "Then read a sign or instruction manual or something...I don't know, but we're not going." Peter ordered, causing Wanda to roll her eyes.

   "Who died and made you king?" She asked with a scowl.

   "I'm the older brother. That means I am in charge." Peter smirked, knowing he pushed the right buttons.

   "Are not! It's only by six minutes, Peter! That doesn't count." Wanda protested, having heard this argument their entries lives.

   "You're just saying that because you're the younger sibling. You'd be agreeing with me if it were the other way around." Peter retorted.

   "And you'd be agreeing with me if you were the youngest!" Wanda added, using his argument against him.

   "Well...I don't care. We're going to the arcade." Peter continued, ignoring her counter argument.

   "No, we're not! It's for..."

   The twins continued to argue for what felt like ages as Erik rubbed a tired hand down his face, hoping they'd resolve it themselves.

   "Is this normal?" He asked Charles, referring to the twins' frequent bickering.

   "I'm afraid so." Charles confirmed, remembering the countless arguments he used to have with Raven.

   Having heard enough, Erik quickly stepped between the two, hoping to disarm the situation.

   "Why don't Wanda and I go to the bookstore, while Charles and Peter go to the arcade. Then we can meet for dinner in an hour or so." Erik offered, interrupting the twins.

   Wanda and Peter looked to each other for moment as if having a silent conversation, before nodding their heads.

   "Yeah, that works for me." Peter said nonchalantly.

   "Me too." Wanda agreed as if the argument had never happened.

   "It was really that easy?" Erik asked himself, not fully believing it. However, not wanting to disrupt the peace, they quickly went their separate ways.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Wanda and Erik happily made their way down the street as they approached the bookstore.

   Erik held the door open for Wanda as he waited for her to go in, but she stopped, staring intently at someone across the street.

   "Wanda, is everything all right?" Erik worried, pulling the girl from her thoughts.

   "Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought I saw something."

   Wanda spared one last glance to the woman before pushing the thought out of her mind and making her way inside.

   "Hi, may I help you find something?" A cheerful bookstore worker greeted them.

   "We're all set, thank you." Erik declined, not fully trusting anyone- even seemingly harmless strangers.

   "Come on Dad, they're over here." Wanda called out as he followed her into the fiction isle.

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