A Simple Plan

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Erik rubbed an exhausted hand down his face as he sat beside Raven who was piloting the jet back to the school through the bright morning sky.

As Erik leaned against the back of his seat, his mind replayed the unexpected events of the evening.

To say the mission didn't go well would be an understatement.

In the past few week, there had been three mutant kidnappings within neighboring towns of Connecticut.

At first glance it wouldn't seem like a prominent issue or that they were connected in anyway. Except for the fact that there was also five kidnappings the week prior.

This was not enough to startle the general public or gain the attention of the FBI, especially since it was adult mutants that were taken, not humans or children. But any mutant in danger was one too many for Erik's liking.

So he and Raven set out on a mission to locate the missing mutants. Raven had heard whispers down her grapevine of allies that they had a base in Maine that served as a waypoint to transfer the mutants to a different facility for testing.

The plan was simple. Erik and Raven would go to Maine and discreetly find information on the missing mutants and then report back to Charles, who could hopefully use Cerebro to locate them.

The plan was simple. No need for the entire X-Men to tag along and draw unwanted attention to themselves, especially since they were still needed more training.

It was a simple reconnaissance mission. Go in and out undetected. Easy. Simple.

Peter could do it and return home in time to have one of his favorite Twinkies before the guards even realized what had happened.

The plan was simple...or so they thought.

When they arrived at the base, Raven disguised herself as one of the guards, knocking out another for Erik to use his uniform.

The had successfully gone undetected and found the files surprisingly easily.

Everything was going according to plan until something caught the corner of Erik's eye as they neared the exit.

A cell.

Not just any cell, a cell filled with prisoners...mutant prisoners, more than they originally believed.

Raven soon caught on to what had stopped Erik cold in his tracks, trying to reason a safe and smart way to free the nearly dozen imprisoned mutants.

But Erik wasn't listening to Raven, no matter how logical she was being. His mind was clouded with the sight of mutant brothers and sisters trapped against their will with what he could only assume were de-powering collars around their necks.

The next few minutes blurred together into one act of pure rage and horror as Erik released the prisoners from their cell and bindings and incapacitated any guard within sight, despite Raven's loud protests.

In hindsight he figured that he should have listened to Raven's advice instead of making an enormous scene and dragging the unwanted attention of the rest of the guards who now stood on either end of them, lined with guns...metal guns.

Erik smirked to himself as all of the metal in the vicinity began to shake, rumbling the ground beneath them.

The newly freed mutants watched in a mixture of fear and confusion as their savior was seemingly destroying the walls around them.

Raven spared the metal bender an unamused look as he knocked all of the terrified guards unconscious, hoping to spare himself from another one of Charles' lectures on 'unnecessary violence,' though Raven would undoubtedly rat him out on his impulsive decision making.

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