Chapter 28 ~ Hoga vs Atsuko & Shokan vs Baba

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"Murph-san!! That was amazing!" Hagakure exclaimed hugging her which made her yelp in surprise.

"Yeah! That was smart of you to figure out your opponent's Quirk before engaging them! Now that's what heroes do!" Iida said chopping his hand in the air with a smile.

"T-Thanks. Where's Tana?"

"She left to start her match. She even wanted me to tell you that she's proud of you." Deku replied after writing his notebook.

"I hope she wins."

"I'm sure she will! She's strong and serious when it comes to fight! She can even move around without them knowing." Kirishima assured with a smile.

She nodded before sitting down waiting for the match to start.


Meanwhile before another match starts, Netsu was walking through the hallway looking for Momo. He noticed that she didn't come back to her classmates to watch the match and she missed it. He is now by the door where the waiting room is. Netsu slowly opened it and found her sitting by herself in the table far away, staring at her hands with her head down. She flinched to hear the door creaked.

"Yaoyorozu. You okay?"

"...... Nothing. Just please leave me alone..." her voice sounded broken and her eyes were red and puffy.

"I can tell that you're lying. And you're bad at acting. Mind if I take a seat with you?"

Momo didn't say anything as she stare at her lap. He took that as a sign and sat right next to her.

"I don't think I am strong enough like everyone else. I don't think I should be in this school. I didn't get a chance to make quick decisions either. I feel like getting recommended is a waste instead of showing off my skills. You and everyone else are good. I'm useless.."

Netsu sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Forgive me for saying this but you can be a bit dumb and naive to think like that. This is just the beginning for you. You just have to make up for the mistake you did in order for you to improve. You're smart and you know how to take things seriously about taking responsibility as a hero. You have to make a choice on your own instead of thinking what everyone can do but what you can do."

That made Momo look up at him, surprised. He then patted her head making her blush as he stood up from his seat and walked away.

"You know... You kinda sound like someone else has given you advice and did the same as they did. Thank you." she softly said wiping her tears away.

Netsu now started to blush giving her a nod without looking back knowing that he made her smile and cheered her up. Remembering Tana's battle is about to start, he quickly ran through the halls as his thoughts wondered. He still remembered the time when he was young, he always blames himself for not saving his sister and his mom and that he wish he was never born. But that's all in the past now.

He shook his head not wanting to remember the flashback filled with screams and pain. As he entered the class' seating area, Murph called him.

"You're just in time for her battle."


He sat down next to her remembering the conservations with Momo. His heart started tl beat fast whenever he remembers her or sees her. It just won't stop. The battle then started just in time to get him to see the match.

"We have another match from Class A and B. That girl who is the daughter of the pro heroes the Crystal Gem! Koharu Hoga! Versus! The most deadliest girl who always show the blade of no mercy! Tana Atsuko!"

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