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The 4 year old girl was walking down the streets with her mom and dad. They got back from shopping and playing at the park. She wears a cute blue dress with butterflies in it. Her name is Tana Atsuko. And as for her parents their names are Moyo Atsuko her dad and Zuan Atsuko her mom. They were holding hands as they head straight towards home. Tana was so cheerful as she make a flying sound holding her action figure All Might. She really inspired him and wants to become a hero one day once she get her quirk. Her parents are both quirkless but that doesn't matter to whether she gets her quirk or not as long as they love her. They do know how to defend themselves though. As they were walking, Tana heard a sniff and turned around to see who is crying. She then saw a girl who is the same age as her, is covered with dirt and bruises and her clothes all ripped up. She even had a scar on her left cheek. Her eyes widened to see her walking in the middle of the road looking down without even looking both ways.

Suddenly, the car was driving fast and didn't notice they were about to hit that poor girl. She looked at the car not bothering to move which got Tana's eyes widened in fear as she looked at her All Might figure for a moment thinking of what he would do. She dropped her figure on the ground luckily it is on the grass right next to her parents as they realized where did she go and looked to see her running straight towards the girl with the car coming closer. They screamed for their daughter to come back. Everything felt in slow motion as she managed to tackle her rolling her out of the way as the car went past by them. As she was saving her she got herself scratched in the back by the twig that was in their way and they made to safety.

"Tana! What were you thinking?! You could've gotten yourself-" her mom stopped to see the girl that Tana saved was sniffing.

"Are you okay?" Tana asked.

The girl didn't say anything as she looked down.

"Oh Tana! Your back is scratched up and bleeding!" her dad exclaimed seeing her wound on the back.

Tana shook her head not caring about the scratch as she looked at her.

"Where are your parents? Are you lost?" her mom asked.

The girl looked up and she has brown eyes with freckles on her cheeks and brown curly hair. Her eyes then darkened when she mentioned about her parents.

"They're gone...."


"THEY'RE GONE!!" she shouted which made them jumped out of guard.

She broke down not wanting to look at them as she covered her eyes with her hands. Tana doesn't like to see her in pain as she looked at her All Might figure again in her hand that dad brought her back with. She then started to hug her which made her stop crying.

"It's okay. You can tell me what's wrong if you feel like. Let me help you." she soothed her hair to comfort her.

The brown haired girl was shocked that no one ever hugged her or assured her before. She slowly started to hug back feeling her tears stopped rolling. Tana pulled away and looked at her with a smile.

"It's alright. For I am here."

Atsuko family looked at each other thinking of what they should do. They couldn't help but tear up at the most tragic moment and wanted to help that poor girl who lost her family. Then they thought for a moment as they agreed on something.

"Why don't you live with us as the part of our family?" her mom suggested.

"We could use another daughter of ours." the dad agreed.

Tana lit up with happiness and looked at her again. The lone girl thought for a moment thinking if she should take their kindness and they show that they are serious and are willing to help her and raise her. She started to smile for the first time but a small one.

"M-my name is Murph. Murph Daiichi.."

"Tana Atsuko. Call me Tana."

Tana took her hand out for Murph to reach as she looked at her before taking her hand.

"You and I will be great sisters. And a great family to us."

"Come on now. Let's go to your new home." mom smiled.

"I will write the adoption tomorrow." dad said taking out the paper.

Murph then slowly nodded and walked along with Atsuko family as they both held hands. This is where the story begins on how Tana and Murph become the greatest heroes. Tana wanted to become a hero to save those from depression all because of Murph that she once saved. As for Murph, she also wanted to become a hero to be like Tana. She had look up to her as a true hero and sister. 

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