Chapter 16 ~ Reunited

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Back to Murph who was helping Iida get out of the USJ to get help while dealing with the warp man.

"Black Hole that sucks up everything and turn it all into dust. I see. That's an astounding Quirk. However, Thirteen, you are a hero who works to rescue people from disasters. As expected, your battle experience is less than half of that of a normal hero."

Warp guy uses his Quirk to deflect Thirteen's black hole by teleporting it towards him as he started to crumble from his own quirk. The students gasped in shock.

"A warp gate!" the teacher exclaimed.

"You turned yourself into dust." the warp guy said.

Their eyes widened in fear as Thirteen fell to the ground.

"Sensei!" Mina shouted.

"Iida, run! Hurry!" Sato ordered.

"Go!!" Murph shouted.

Iida activated his engine as he ran fast going around the warp guy.

"Damn it...!"

"One of the children who was not scattered... We are only waiting for All Might. If the other teachers are called here, it will be hard for us."

The warp gate was blocking his way as he tried to stop his speed almost getting closer. But the warp gate was suddenly closed shut and grabbed. It was Shoji with his 6 arms is holding down the warp.

"Go! Hurry!"

Iida without second thought keep on running with his engine at the faster speed.

"You intertinent---I will not allow you to go outside!"

Murph then saw the metal around his neck along with Uraraka as they both already come up with the idea.

"You're impudent, four-eyes. Be gone!"

Murph activated her crystal gauntlet in her hand as she punched the metal that is his weak spot while Uraraka floated it after Murph dent the plate. Warp guy groaned in pain.

"We don't know the theory behind it, but if he's wearing something like this, then it means that he has a physical body!" Uraraka declared.

"We found his weak spot!" Murph exclaimed while making the metal even more dent while he was flying.

"Go, Iida!!"

"My body! Oh no!"

Warp guy was about to stop him with his head when Sero stopped him with his tape on his metal and Sato grabbed it and pulled him as he spin him around and around before throwing him. Iida managed to open the door and made it out alive as he ran out.

"Engine Boost!"

"Hurry. Get help." Murph said.

Murph turned and check on Thirteen to make sure they were okay. Thirteen managed to speak assuring her that they're fine. She sighed in relief and walked to where the stairs go down and there is something she couldn't believe her eyes. Shota all bloodied and injured on his right elbow which it was crumbled while his left arm was twisted by the scary bird man who was pinning him down. She saw two figures the warp guy she was fighting against and the hand man that she had saw him from the school alarm incident. Murph gasped to see Deku, Tsu, and Mineta in the water hiding.

"Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!" Shigaraki said which Murph manage to hear his name from the warp guy who was named Kurogiri.

He jumped and raised his hand at Tsu and Murph ran down without thinking and activated her quirk to get her to fly and turn both hands into gauntlet. She flew right in front of him which caught him off guard as his hand was closer to her face. Everything was in slow motion as she tried to raise her crystal gauntlet up to block his attack. Deku was already imagining Murph crumbled into pieces and ashes. His hand touched her face as she was far too late to block but felt nothing as her heart started to beat fast.

Start of a Hero (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz