Chapter 8 ~ Quirk Assessment Test

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"A Quirk assessment test?" everyone asked.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" the brunette asked.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high too, right?" Aizawa showed them his device with some lists in it.

"Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"67 meters." Bakugou boredly answered.

"That high?..." Tana wondered.

"Try doing it with your quirk."

Aizawa passed him the ball as Bakugou easily catches it and went over to the circle.

"You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you've got."

"Then well..." he stretched his arms as he got ready.

"I'll add the blast to the pitch."  he said through his mind.


He add the blast with his quirk and threw the ball as high and fast as he could do. The ball was thrown high up the sky where you could barely see where it was shooting at.

"Die?" Midoriya asked.

"That's his word? Geez he needs to work on his mouth.." Tana said feeling surprised.

"That sounds so like him.." Murph mumbled.

"Know your maximum first." their teacher said as the ball was now fallen to the ground.

He showed them his devices where it says, 705.2 meters.

"That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."

Everyone were shocked at how much meters he had thrown. Tana's eyes was wide that she never knew what would happen if they use their quirk. She is so gotta try and surpass him and get a good grade.

"705 meters?! Seriously?" the boy with blonde hair and black lightning bolt on his left side of his hair asked.

"What's this? It looks fun!" the fluffy pink haired girl exclaimed.

"We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" the boy with black hair shouted with excitement.

""It looks fun," huh? You have 3 years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all 8 tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." Aizawa creepily smiled.


No way are they gonna fail. They will give it their best shot for the 2 girls who have been working hard.

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!"

Tana and Murph including Netsu glared in determination.

"Last place will be expelled? But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is unfair!" the brunette exclaimed.

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you want to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next 3 years , U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got." he gives them the finger gestures to come to him.

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