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Ok I forgot to add something in the last chapter

Ok so we got into a car crash and Keegan's mom had to drive my mom sister and I home Keegan was also there Now my sister freaks out when ever there is a car turning onto the road we are on or if we turn onto another road

I'm disappointed that it didn't fucking kill me I wasn't even wearing a seat belt at the time >:(

Anyways today I went to Friendly's to see my friend Alex I mentioned him a few times times here he is that person that I really only see at most 4 times a year keegan met him once last Halloween but we have been friends since kindergarten anyways ...

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Anyways today I went to Friendly's to see my friend Alex I mentioned him a few times times here he is that person that I really only see at most 4 times a year keegan met him once last Halloween but we have been friends since kindergarten anyways he has been trying to play video games with me this week but his DS isn't working :/ anyways him and his sister brought their Nintendo switches I didn't play at first and I was kinda begging for death so I just watched him and his sister play Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros the entire time but at the end I played Mario with him and his sister. I haven't played Mario with him since I was like 8 when we were still neighbors he would come over to our apartment and we would play Kirby or Kirby's epic yarn or my sister and I would go over the his apartment and play literally any Mario game actually now that I think about it this was my first time hanging out with Alex without my sister there- FUCK WE BROKE TRADITION anyways he suggested that we all go to the movies at some point to see a movie that I forgot the name of
OH I also found out that he is a fucking weeb yeah he mentioned that he watches anime  I said I did as well and of course he had to ask the forbidden question-'Subbed or dubbed anime' and in my mind I just went "FUCK"  but I said I watched dubbed he watches subbed umm but he has also seen Death Note sooo I mean-
Yeah that's the only interesting thing that happened except finding out that I might be sent out of state for school :/

Also I definitely DID NOT spend over $100 on Death Note figures- nope dEfInItElY did NOT do that- ummmm o-o owo yeah good smile remade their Light and L nendoroids and me- being the greedy bastard that I am- couldn't resist pre-ordering them- I REGRET ABSOLUTELY NOTHING- I just found money in my desk draw and shit that Light Pre-ordering thing closed already but I found away to pre order one anyways but I'm kinda worried I didn't and I just gave my mom $47.99 for no reason- pfff anyways we'll find out in 7 months-

Goodbye and don't forget I'm a piece of shit

Also Aster is still not joining the group chat again and just keeps leaving and I have been having these very real dreams about my thoughts and things that happened through out the day in one of them Aster just straight up just ignored me and just left me to die and the dreams keep getting weirder and scarier to the point I'm scared to go to sleep every night but at the same time I want to sleep but  it takes hours to happen

Also how does one stop fucking blushing bc it's starting to get really fucking annoying it feels like sun burn on my face I don't even know if it's just blush but that my best guess bc I don't go outside-

Ok I'm done now- goodbye lovely disappointments

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