Untitled Part 38

14 1 0

  10/5/18, Friday, 3:17 pm


yesterday caity skipped school for Comic Con go read bout that on her diary 

DaElephantTaco She cant kill me since im not seeing her again till Monday >:3

  At reading today my teacher made it her goal to make me smile at least twice each day so that happened. Also when she asked me what i was doing over the week end and i said i was going to comic con she looked SHOOK so now i have to make a presentation on how Comic Con went...... im just planning on putting a bunch of pics on google slides.

 At science we had these stations we had to do like rip a table cloth out from under glass plates and cups and catch penny's from your elbow with your same hand (my teacher was never able to catch any :( ).  I was able to do all of them on the first try and for the penny catching i got up to stacking 13 penny's on my elbow and catching them. Apparently I broke the record for all my science teachers science classes so now im the god of my science class.... not really tho. We kept getting security alerts. Mia (miles) also stole a raw egg from the science class and named it beyond. 

  A few days ago apparently the weather got so bad the we had to make sure the emergency weather notification was working so at 2:10 everyone's phones went off apparently this happened across America, the weather was pretty bad tho. The school keeps having fire drills without telling anyone not even the teachers so when a fire alarm goes off no one knows if it's real or fake.

i dont feel like editing it 

PS: i forgot In English my teacher asked what did shrek use as a metaphor when no one answered she said it has something to do with onions some called out sHrEk AnD oNiOnS bOtH hAvE lAyErS!!!

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