My Name

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          Friday, July 27, 2018, 8:16

  I do not like my real name. It Makes me sound stupid, it makes me feel, stupid, and it also makes me unsure of myself. I would rather be called Nel. Yes, I know it's an odd name and I have been laughed at bc of it. I haven't told Caity or Miles about wanting to be called Nel (but now Caity dose bc she reads this.... hi Caity) but, I have mentioned that I like the name. It would be a bit weird if I introduced myself as Nel and then Caity or Miles calls me by my real name so it's like which one is it?

  Also another reason is bc NO ONE CAN PRONOUNCE MY NAME! Like I would say my name and maybe they think I said my own name wrong or something bc people always call me by a name that is close/a more popular name.... but seriously one time I got knee like dafuq? 

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