Chapter 29

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Jimin woke up as he slowly lifted his head off of Hoseok's legs. He looked over at Hoseok and saw him fast asleep against the tree he was resting against. Jimin sat up and rubbed his eyes as he looked over and saw Jungkook sleeping on his back with a hat covering his eyes, Jin and Namjoon were resting against each other as Jimin saw their hands intertwined next to each other, and Taehyung was lying on his side with headphones in his ears as slept peacefully. Jimin looked over to the waves as he saw Yoongi laying on his stomach in the middle of the beach. Jimin couldn't help but smile as he squint and saw Yoongi's back, arms, and legs getting a bit red. Jimin looked around as he saw a bottle of sunscreen laying in the sand. Jimin picked it up as he stood up bit instantly got hit with vertigo. He held onto the tree nearby and closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose. The dark spots went away as Jimin shook his head. He walked out of the shade as the sun warmed his body when it made contact with his skin. Jimin walked over to Yoongi as he got down on his knees by him. He could hear Yoongi's soft snores making Jimin smile as he slightly tapped Yoongi's back.

"Hyung." Jimin whispered.

Yoongi didn't wake up as Jimin looked over at Yoongi's back. If he didn't put some sunblock on him, he would end up with a really bad burn in a bit.

"Hyung, your back." Jimin whispered again.

Yoongi just groaned, not waking up. Jimin just sighed as he opened the sunscreen. Jimin squirt the white liquid into his hand before putting his hands together so it was on both hands. Jimin put his hands on Yoongi's back as he carefully rubbed the lotion into his skin.

Jin woke up as he slowly lifted his head off of Namjoon's shoulders. Namjoon whined a but since he was resting his head on top of Jin's. Jin looked around as he saw only five of them sitting under the shade. Jin looked towards the sea as he saw Jimin sitting on his knees with his hands on Yoongi's back while Yoongi was lying on his stomach. Jin's eyes widened as he tapped Namjoon's leg to wake him up.

"What Jinnie?" Namjoon mumbled as he lifted his head.

"Look." Jin told him as he pointed to Jimin and Yoongi.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes as he looked at the sight of the two. Jin watched as he saw Jimin's hands rub Yoongi's back. He smiled a bit as he saw Yoongi's back lift from him taking a deep breath, indicating he was awake.

Yoongi woke up feeling someone's hands gliding along his back. He looked around as he saw a pair of soft legs next to him. Yoongi slightly lifted his head as he saw Jimin sitting on his knees with his hands rubbing along his back. Jimin looked over as he saw Yoongi staring at him making his cheeks flush pink.

"Ah Hyung, sorry if I woke you." Jimin apologized as he smiled.

"No it's fine. What are you doing?" Yoongi asked.

"I saw your back getting a bit red from the sun. I wouldn't want you getting sunburned." Jimin said and giggled.

Yoongi's cheeks flushed red as he put his head back down so Jimin wouldn't be able to see how flustered he made him. Yoongi just let Jimin's hands glide across his back as he sighed. Jimin's touch felt so good, he wanted more as he felt Jimin hover over his back.

"I can't reach your other arm Hyung." Jimin whined.

Yoongi really didn't expect for Jimin to sit on top of him to put sunscreen on his arms. Jimin sat on top of Yoongi as he ran his arms down Yoongi's arms. Yoongi's face flushed red as he felt himself get hard. Yoongi could feel Jimin's chest pressing against his back every time he bent forward to rub and massage sunscreen into his arms.

"You're really buff Hyung. Do you work out?" Jimin asked cutely as he massaged Yoongi's muscles.

"Sometimes." Yoongi answered as he dug his forehead into his towel from the pain of his dick being full on hard.

"Am I hurting you?" Jimin asked a bit worried since he saw Yoongi dig his forehead into the towel.

"(Yes) No Jimin, just a bit sore from my neck." Yoongi lied.

Instantly Jimin's hands went to Yoongi's neck and shoulders as he massaged them with sunscreen. Yoongi bit his tongue to keep from groaning as he felt Jimin get close to his face.

"Does it feel better~?" Jimin whispered close to Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi felt his whole body heat up as he put his face in his towel.

"Yup!" Yoongi answered as he made a thumbs up.

Jimin just giggled as he sat up and pat Yoongi's back. Jimin got off of Yoongi as Yoongi sighed with relief. Jimin turned and stuck his hand out as Yoongi looked at him.

"You ready?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi internally panicked as he tried to find an excuse for not being able to get up other than his dick being full on hard.

"I'm just gonna keep lying down for a bit Jiminie." Yoongi responded.

Jimin just tilted his head like a little puppy as he looked at Yoongi.

"Ok!" Jimin responded cutely before walking off back to the shade.

Jin and Namjoon watched the whole thing as Jin giggled.

"That idiot is full on hard." Jin said and covered his mouth as he giggled.

Namjoon just chuckled as he watched Jimin walk back complete oblivious to what just happened. 

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