Chapter 12

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All seven left the restaurant as they walked throughout the city to walk off the food. Taehyung leaned against Jungkook's muscular arm as he whined.

"I'm gonna have a food coma. If I pass out will you carry me Jungkook-ah?" Taehyung whined as he held onto Jungkook.

Jungkook blushed as he struggled for words. Jimin and Namjoon laughed since Taehyung always seemed to be really attached to people even if he just met them. Taehyung giggled as Jungkook's face turned a bright red.

"I-umm." Jungkook stammered as Taehyung smirked.

Taehyung looked back at Jimin and Namjoon as he motioned his eyes towards Jungkook.

"Ah~Jungkook-ah." Taehyung fake fainted as he let himself fall against Jungkook.

Jungkook panicked as he quickly turned around and caught Taehyung. The pair ended in a dip position as Jungkook's face flushed red. Taehyung let his head fall back as he giggled. Hoseok and Jin were thrown off and actually thought Taehyung fainted until Jimin and Namjoon were laughing.

"Aww! You would catch me Kookie?" Taehyung asked innocently as he smiled and pinched Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook blushed as Taehyung grabbed the neck of Jungkook's shirt to lift himself up and out of Jungkook's arms.

"Too funny."

Taehyung playfully flipped his hair and crossed his arms as he walked in front of Jungkook and went in between Jimin and Namjoon since the two were leading the way. Taehyung swayed his hips a little to tease Jungkook as Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's arm.

"You stupid flirt." Jimin whispered into Taehyung's ear as Taehyung giggled.

"Is it working?"

Jimin shot a quick glance to the back of them as he saw Jungkook staring down at Taehyung's thicc ass.

"Yep, he's looking right as your ass." Jimin smiled as Taehyung bit his lip.

"Watch this."

With no warning, Taehyung immediately turned around and stopped right in front of Jungkook. Taehyung bent forward a bit and held his hands in front of himself to show a bit of his cleavage to Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as he tilted his head.

Namjoon and Jimin smirked as they watched Taehyung work his magic.

"Do you wanna come get ice cream with me?" Taehyung asked innocently.

"I-Tae- didn't we just eat?" Jungkook stammered as he pulled on the neck of his shirt.

"Yeah..but ice cream in California is the best!"

Jungkook just looked away nervously. He couldn't look into Taehyung's eyes or he would give in. He didn't want Taehyung to catch him staring at his chest also.

Taehyung gave Jungkook his big puppy eyes as he pouted.

"Pweaseeeeee Kookie?"

Oh that drove Jungkook insane. If possible he would nail Taehyung to the nearest wall and fuck him so hard to give him a reason to be all pouty and whiny. Jungkook pulled down his shirt to hide his raging boner as he gave in to Taehyung's begging.

"Alright Tae Tae. Where do you want to go?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung's eyes twinkled with joy.

"I know this great place!" Taehyung exclaimed as he grabbed Jungkook's hand. "C'mon!"

Both of them ran off leaving all five of them behind.

"We better get going too if we want to catch up." Namjoon turned and told them.

"We'll race you!" Jimin exclaimed as he grabbed Yoongi's hand and ran after Taehyung.

Yoongi blushed but was quickly led off by Jimin and his giggles.

"Oh! Don't think we won't catch up to you Jiminie!" Namjoon yelled from behind as he grabbed Jin and Hoseok and ran after Jimin.

Jimin laughed as he could hear Namjoon's stomps from behind him.

"Yoonie hurry!!" Jimin giggled as he ran faster.

Yoongi blushed at the nickname. Yoonie? Yoongi didn't have time to give it much thought as Jimin started to run faster.

"Woah. You're a runner Jiminie!" Yoongi exclaimed in surprise.

Jimin just giggled as he intertwined his hands with Yoongi and pulled him up closer. Yoongi felt warm inside as he smiled and enveloped Jimin's hand with his own. Yoongi could see Jimin's cheeks flush pink but he kept running. Soon, Yoongi started to laugh too and actually put effort into his running.

Yoongi ran faster as he ran in front of Jimin and led him.

"Woah! Hyung!" Jimin laughed as Yoongi stopped for a moment and picked Jimin up bridal style.

"We'll get there quicker like this." Yoongi told Jimin as he picked him up and started running.

Jimin's cheeks went red as he held onto Yoongi. He smelled so nice and being in his arms made him feel safe. Like no one would hurt him ever again.

Jimin couldn't help it as he rested his head against Yoongi's chest. He wanted to cry, let all his emotions loose, finally feel like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, but he couldn't. He couldn't bare to have Yoongi carry the weight of all his problems too.

Jimin decided to just put on a smile and let the sound of Yoongi's laughter take away his worries. Jimin couldn't help but laugh along too as he heard Yoongi laugh.

Both of them made it to the old timey ice cream parlor near the boardwalk panting out of breath and laughing. Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok came close behind him as Yoongi turned around with Jimin still in his arms.

"Hah! We beat you! Slow pokes!" Yoongi tried to brag out of breath as Jimin just smiled.

Namjoon looked down at Yoongi's arms and saw Jimin shyly look away.

"Uh. Hyung?" Jimin tried to say.

Yoongi looked down and saw Jimin shyly bite his lip.

"Oh, sorry." Yoongi told him as he stood Jimin upright.

Both of them blushed and looked away as Jimin tucked his hair behind his ear.

"So, who wants ice cream!" Taehyung exclaimed as everyone got excited.

"Me!" They all yelled as they went and got their own cones of ice cream.

There was a colorful rainbow of seven different colors and flavors as they all walked back home. The air was cool as Yoongi and Jimin walked closer to each other. Yoongi was licking a orange scoop of ice cream as Jimin blushed since it was the color of his hair. Jimin was sucking on a blackberry scoop of ice cream that looked black as Yoongi's cheeks flushed since it was black like his hair.

All seven made it to their homes as they started to bid their goodbyes.

"Today was fun! Thanks Jimin!" Hoseok thanked Jimin as Jimin smiled.

"Don't worry it was nothing! We really enjoyed it too!" Jimin responded.

The seven bowed to each other as they started to walk up their front lawns.

"I guess we'll see you guys later?" Namjoon sheepishly said as he waved.

"Yeah...see you later." Jin responded as he blushed and smiled shyly.

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