Chapter 27

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Jin and Namjoon swam out from the cave and back to the beach. They let the waves carry them as they didn't let go of each other's hand the whole way. Jimin covered his eyes from the sun as he squinted and saw Namjoon and Jin coming back.

"See. I told you they were fine." Jimin told Yoongi as he turned to him.

Yoongi just gave him a small smile as he turned back and saw Hoseok and Taehyung coming out of the water. Jungkook was still playing around in the waves and diving underwater. Yoongi grabbed a towel and tossed one to Hoseok as Hoseok dried his hair and let it rest on his shoulders. Taehyung picked up a towel and dried himself off as he stretched.

"Ahh, I'm hungry." Taehyung whined.

Jimin just giggled as he looked towards the ocean and saw Namjoon coming out of the water with Jin.

"Namjoon is coming right now already. Just get the things." Jimin told him.

Taehyung went to the ice chests and coolers as he looked through a few. Namjoon and Jin walked over to them as Jimin tossed Namjoon a towel. Namjoon dried himself and hung the towel up on an overhanging branch from a tree that provided the shade they were under. Jin grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself as he sat down on a towel.

"Joon! I'm hungry~!" Taehyung whined as he looked up at Namjoon.

"You have the meat?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung nodded as he held up the bag and handed it to Namjoon. Namjoon opened his little red grill as he put some charcoal inside, then added some lighter fluid, and lit it on fire. Namjoon let the grill heat up for a bit since it was in the sun. Namjoon got up and got some tongs, cutting board, and knives as he placed them down next to the grill. Namjoon sat down in front of the little grill as he got the meat and put it on the grill.

"Mm~steak." Hoseok said as he could feel his mouth watering already.

Namjoon chuckled as everyone just watched the meat start to cook on the grill. It finally occurred to Jin why something was off as he spoke up.

"Namjoon, I thought you weren't allowed to cook?" Jin asked.

"Nah, I can grill I just can't cook." Namjoon cleared up as Jin's mouth formed into a O.

Namjoon couldn't help but smirk as he threw on some extra meat to his little grill.

"You all like you're steak and meat well done right?" Namjoon asked.

Everyone nodded until Jimin looked around and noticed one person missing.

"Where's Jungkook-ah?" Jimin asked.

"Still playing in the waves." Taehyung responded.

"Hey! Jungkook-ah! Ya like your meat well done!!" Namjoon called out.

Jungkook stood up from the water and walked towards the shore a bit as he called back his answer.

"Yeah!! Can we have some fish!!" Jungkook called back as he walked closer to the shore.

"Fish? Do we have any?" Jimin asked.

"No." Taehyung responded as they both shrugged.

"We don't have any!" Namjoon called out.

"I have one!!" Jungkook called back.

All three looked at each other in confusion then back at Jungkook as they saw him stick his hand in the water and pull out a whole ass fish with his bare hands. Everyone's eyes widened and mouths dropped as Jungkook walked towards them holding a fish by its tail.



"Did that just happen!"

The three exclaimed as Jungkook held up the fish with a bunny smile.

"I have some. You think you could cook it Namjoon-hyung?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin and Taehyung turned to Namjoon as Namjoon scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I guess." He chuckled. "I'm just shocked you pulled it literally out of the water. Jimin is it poisonous?" Namjoon asked Jimin.

Jimin just shook his head no as he looked at the fish.

"No, it'll be fine to eat just needs to be gutted." Jimin responded.

"Can you gut it?" Namjoon asked.

"Gladly!" Jimin exclaimed as he grabbed a cutting board and sat down a few feet away from Namjoon.

Jimin grabbed some knives as Jungkook handed him the fish. Yoongi got up and went over to Jimin as he watched Jimin struggle to pin down the fish.

"You know a lot about sea life." Yoongi said.

"You have to in surfing. Plus, it's good to have that extra knowledge." Jimin said with a smile.

Yoongi smiled back as he watched Jimin turn back to the fish. It kept flopping around as Jimin struggled to hold it down while holding a knife.

"Stupid fish."

Yoongi watched as Jimin pinned it down and mercilessly chopped off the head. Everyone turned at the sound of the knife hitting the board as Jimin smiled while some blood splattered on his cheek. Jimin wiped it away as he looked at the dead fish.


Yoongi watched nervously as Jimin put his knife in the gills and cut them off. He saw as Jimin sliced off all the scales and pulled out all the nerves with no mercy. He had blood on his hands as he started to cut up the fish with the parts that were edible.

"Done!" Jimin happily announced as he turned to Yoongi.

Yoongi gave him a nervous smile as he walked back with Jimin behind him. Now he knew to never mess with Jimin, especially if knives were near.

"Here." Jimin said and handed the cutting board to Namjoon.

Namjoon took it and put the fish on the grill as Jimin sat down and wiped his hands with some napkins.

"You still have a...something." Yoongi nervously told Jimin as he pointed to his cheek.

Jimin brought up the napkin as he wiped the spot of blood on his cheek and smiled.


Jungkook grabbed a towel and dried himself before sitting down in the shade. He leaned on his arms as he put his head back.

"Thirstyyyy." Jungkook whined.

Taehyung grabbed an ice chest and pulled it into their little group. He opened it up as Jungkook reached inside and pulled out a capri sun. (THE GOOD SHIT)

"Who drinks Capri suns?" Jungkook said and laughed as he looked at the pouch. Taehyung reached in and pulled one out as he started to drink it.

"What's wrong with them?" Taehyung asked innocently as he looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook flushed red with blush as he took out the straw and stabbed it into the pouch.


Jungkook drank the capri sun as Taehyung smiled. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin all sighed as they stared at the two.

"You're so whipped it's embarrassing."

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