Chapter 4

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After getting checked through airport security and waiting for three goddamn hours for their plane to be ready, Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook finally boarded the plane that would take them to America. The flight they got on sat two people per row so Jin and Yoongi sat in the seats by the window while Hoseok and Jungkook sat in the middle aisle seats. All four of them smiled as the captain came over the intercom and welcomed everyone aboard. She started with the basic welcome and rules for everyone to follow if an emergency were to happen and what procedures to follow. Yoongi zoned our halfway into the instructions as he took out his headphones and phone. He already set it to airplane mode but luckily downloaded all his music before they left home.

Finally the captain ended the instructions and told everyone that they were ready for take off. Yoongi could feel his heart racing. He was really leaving to America and now he couldn't turn back. Yoongi knew it was just for a month but that didn't stop his mind from over thinking every possible scenario that could happen in a foreign country.

The plane started moving as Yoongi looked out the window and saw the airport being left behind them as the plane sped up and lifted off the ground and into the sky.

Ten minutes into the flight and Jungkook had already fallen asleep. Yoongi just shook his head as Hoseok was reading a book he brought. Yoongi took off his headphones for a minute as he whispered for Jin.

"How long is the flight?" Yoongi asked. Jin let out a small laugh as he turned to Yoongi.

"Really? We just got off the ground Yoongi." Jin bit his lip to keep from laughing as Yoongi looked at him with a dead serious expression.

"I'm serious Jin-hyung."

"It's supposed to take from thirteen to fifteen hours to get there if I'm right."

"Thirteen to fifteen hours!" Yoongi whisper shouted as Jin shushed him even though it wasn't that loud.

"Yes thirteen to fifteen. Just relax and take one of your twenty four hour naps or something. Time will go by fast." Jin waved off Yoongi as Yoongi just sighed and put his headphones back on.

He leaned back a bit in the chair and looked at the ceiling off the plane. He was gonna be stuck in this death capsule for thirteen to fifteen hours to a place he didn't even want to go to in the first place. Yoongi looked towards Hoseok and Jungkook to find both asleep already. Yoongi knew that reading got Hoseok drowsy along with Jin so he wasn't surprised the two fell asleep quickly. Jungkook has his head resting on Hoseok's shoulder as Hoseok's head rested on top of Jungkook's.

Yoongi just sighed as he turned the volume up a bit on his headphones to drown out outside noise but not loud enough that people around him could hear his music. Yoongi let himself fall in the music as he drifted off to sleep and hoped this would all be a dream.

I know it's a short chapter but I find writing airport scenes really boring sorry >w<

31 Days in ParadiseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora