Chapter 5

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"Yoongi-ah, wake up." Jin gently shook Yoongi's shoulder as Yoongi groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Ugh, what Hyung?" Yoongi asked, clearly annoyed that he was woken up.

"We're here!"


Jin rolled his eyes as he pointed to the window for Yoongi to see the huge colorful and bright buildings on the ground. Yoongi leaned forward a bit to see where he would be spending thirty one days of his life he would never be able to get back. Yoongi had to admit, it did look really cool of how big everything was. It kind of reminded him a bit of the Seoul big city.

Hoseok and Jungkook were already up and putting their things away that they brought out. Jungkook tied up his headphones with his phone and stuck it in the backpack Hoseok brought. Yoongi took off his headphones and wrapped them around his phone before sticking it back into his backpack as well.

"Didn't I tell you that when you sleep it'll go by faster." Jin told Yoongi as Yoongi looked away to deny the fact that Jin was right.

Jin laughed a bit as they all waited for the captain to come on the intercom and say that they would be landing shortly.

"Where are we even staying? How are we getting there?" Yoongi asked Jin as Jin just smiled at him.

"I got us all a AirBNB, it's a two story beach house with a balcony on the second floor in a bedroom and porch on the first floor. It has five bedrooms and a gate in the backyard that leads from the yard to the beach." Jin responded as he scrolled through his phone to show Yoongi the picture. Yoongi's eyes widened, the house was massive and looked really nice.


"Car rental when we land. We have a red convertible." Jin gave a playful wink to Yoongi as Yoongi sighed. It did feel like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he knew they had a place to go to and something to get them there.

Soon enough, the captain came on the intercom saying that they were about to land and to brace themselves for when they touched the ground. Hoseok and Jungkook looked at Yoongi excitedly as Yoongi just gave a small smile. The plane touched the ground as everyone bounced up a little bit.

"Thank you all for flying on Seoul International! We hope you enjoyed the flight and enjoy the rest of your day!" The captain happily announced over the intercom as the plane stopped moving so the tunnel that connected to the plane and airport could connect and let the passengers off.

People started to get up and grab their luggage while some stayed seated to wait while everything died down. Since Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook were close to the front, they were some of the ones that stood up to grab their things and start to get off the plane. They made their way to the exit where the plane captain and flight attendants bowed as they left.

"Thank you for flying with us!" They said in unison as the four of them bowed back and thanked them.

They got off the plane and made their way throughout the airport and to the car rental garage. Jungkook stretched his arms and yawned while Jin was grabbing the keys to the car.

"Finally I can stretch my legs!" Jungkook stuck out his legs and looked dead at Yoongi.

Yoongi just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes since he was the shortest one amongst the four with a height of 5'10 while Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jin were 5'11 or 6'0.

"Sounds like a tall person problem." Yoongi shot back as Hoseok laughed.

Just because Jungkook was two inches taller than him didn't give him more authority even if it seemed that way. Jin came back with the car keys as he led the three of them to where the car was parked. All four walked throughout the garage until Jungkook started complaining.

"Jin-hyung! How much farther do we have to go!" Jungkook whined as Jin kept walking and ignored him.

"Just shut up and keep walking. You were complaining about wanting to stretch your legs." Yoongi told him.

"Yeah, but not like this." Jungkook kept whining as his hyungs slowly started to get annoyed.

"I thought he was twenty one not five." Hoseok whispered to Yoongi as Yoongi nodded.

"Ah! Here it is!" Jin said as he sighed in relief that he finally found the car.

"Wow. Sweet ride." Hoseok said in awe as he ran his hand along the side of the car.

"It's a convertible so we can put on the roof anytime."

Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi started at the car in front of them in awe. Jin unlocked the car and popped the trunk as the started to load the stuff in.

"I call shotgun!!" Hoseok yelled as he hopped into the passenger seat.

"Aw dammit!" Jungkook exclaimed as Hoseok laughed while Yoongi got into the backseat.

Jin started the car as all four of them drove off and out of the garage. They went through LA as Hoseok's and Jungkook's eyes twinkled with all the big city lights. Even Yoongi was awestruck with the scenery he was passing by. People were walking all throughout the city, some were performing on the street while others dressed up as characters for money.

"Pretty great huh?" Jin told Yoongi as he looked in the mirror.

Yoongi gave a small smile as he rested his head on his hand and let the air blow through his black hair.

"I guess." Yoongi responded and covered his mouth to hide his low key excitement.

Jungkook threw his hands up as he let the air blow through his brown hair and laughed.

"Woo!!! This is gonna be great Hyung!!!" Jungkook cheered as Yoongi couldn't hold back his smile when he saw Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook laugh.

Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad.

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