Part 18

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Paris seemed like a dream. A beautiful city, full of charm and a lot of people. The following week school has started. She quickly fussed with the other girls at school, but one got her more. Suzanne. They became friends from day one. They lived nearby and went to school together every day. She felt better. Happier. At least while spending the day at school. When she was alone, thoughts were inevitable ... Her godmother was very nice. She helped her a lot. Joanne and her mother met many years ago at the time of school. When Céline was born, she was invited to be the godmother. She moved from Quebec years later when she married a wealthy French man. Two years ago she had been widowed and had no children. She was being a mother to Céline. She gave her everything a girl wanted to have. She taught her a lot, about behavior, about everything a little. Over the days Céline already saw herself quite different. She behaved like a lady. She acquired new habits, a new style of dress. Everything was going well. But an event would lead her to hell again.


- You're pale today Céline ...

 Aren't you going to eat? - Suzanne told her friend that she hadn't touched the food yet.

- I'm not hungry and I have a pain in my belly, Suzanne ...

- Just try to eat a little. - she smiled at Céline while she was eating her pancake.

But Céline felt that it did not improve. The head was spinning. She got up from the table.

- I'm going to ... 

But she couldn't finish a sentence. Her head spun sharply and she fell. Suzanne despaired. The first-aid officers came and took her to a hospital. A friend went along and Joanne was notified, arriving almost at them to the hospital. The doctor saw that her skirt was stained with blood. He did some quick exams and put her to a room to rest. She had already woken up and saw her friend and godmother.

- What happened, Céline? - Her godmother asked. 

At that moment the doctor entered.

- Bonjour, Céline! I'm Dr. Harvey. Tell me what happened, describe what you felt exactly. 

She took a deep breath. 

- I'm feeling a little better now. I've been feeling bad lately. I suspect it's a gastritis because it doesn't have much time.

The doctor already knew and asked his companions to leave.

- Honey ... You got here bleeding. Your skirt was with blood.

She got nervous.

- Bleeding ?! But how? I ...

- Calm. Now everything is under control. But I need you to answer something ...

- What? - sHe asked.

- Did you know you were pregnant?

She felt her heart race.

- Pregnant? - she was shocked

- I did not know. - Tears streamed insistently.

- Well, I suspected when I saw the blood in the vaginal area, so I did an ultrasound as soon you arrived here.

She had her head down. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She kept thinking about everything that she had lived with René, that he couldn't even imagine what had just happened, she carried his baby and she didn't even know, nobody knew.The doctor continued.- And unfortunately you had a miscarriage.

She kept crying more. Her soul was in piece.

- I'll ask them to come in to stay with you. - The doctor said.


- Are you feeling good, honey? - the godmother asked.

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