Part 16

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- Bonjour Mr. Lawyer! - Céline said going towards him and giving him a sweet kiss.

He looked around. Nobody was there.

He was so handsome in his suit. She loved seeing him like this.

- Bonjour ... and Anne?

- Still sleeping. I decided to go ahead and prepare some pancakes. I know you leave early, so I wanted to make a little surprise, a way to thank you for the fantastic night you gave me saturday. She laughed at him. -As if the ball private party wasn't enough.

- You deserve it all. I'm glad to make you happy. - He smiled and kissed her.

- A busy weekend ... But delicious. - said winking at him. - Help me take everything to the table?

- Sure.

They took together everything she had prepared for breakfast. They sat down and began talking before Anne appeared.

- René ... She touched his hand lightly - I still didn't thank you for such a beautiful gift ...

He sighed and laughed sweetly at her.

- Really. I want you to know that I was very honored to wear your wife's jewelry. For me it was a proof of love and trust from your part ... Thank you. - she said watering.

He took her hand and kissed it.

- I love you. - He whispered. She smiled.

- Bonjour family! - Anne said excitedly entering the dining room. For a split second they had let their hands.

- Good morning darling. - He replied. Anne came over and kissed him, then her friend.

- Will you go to the forum? She asked as she sat down and grabbed a pancake.

- Yes, Dear. I have to solve some problems there. - He glanced in Céline's direction.

- Will Elena be there? -Céline asked staring at him apprehensively.

- Yes. - He answered seriously.

- I hate this Elena! - Anne grunted as she sipped her pancake.

After breakfast the girls went to the pool. René had very tense plans for that morning.

He arrived at the Forum in a hurry. The secretary asked how was the agenda. For his luck, it was calm. He left the room and went to Elena's office. Being alone, he slammed the door and entered.

- Good morning, Elena, are you busy? ... - said.

- No, dear! Come me! Good to see you early ... - she came over and kissed him on the cheek.

- We need to talk.

- Sure! - she pointed to the couch in the corner of her office and they sat facing each other.

- Elena, I'll be right to the point. You know I'm not a rodeo person.

She nodded.

- Do not disturb Céline. He said directly to her and she stared at him.

- What you mean? Well, I know we don't like each other so much, but ...

- I know that you've been talking bullshit to her. Don't mess with her. Leave her alone.

She stared at him now furiously.

- So it's true, isn't it? You're fucking this slut! - she said almost screaming.

FascinationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang