~ The Night Search

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*Darlene started to create fliers. She gave a good description of her daughters, and hoped for something to turn up.*

Darlene: "Excuse me ma'am?"

Clerk: "Yes how may I help you?"

Darlene: "Hi I was wondering if you had any information on my daughters, Karen, and Kylie?"

Clerk: "Um let me check, I'll be back with you in a quick second."

Darlene: "Okay, thank you so much."

*Thirty minutes have passed, and Darlene is starting to get impatient.*

*The clerk returns.*

Clerk: "Hello ma'am, may I ask you your name?"

Darlene: "Yes, Darlene... Darlene Greene."

Clerk: "Okay, and date of birth?"

Darlene: "09/13/85"

Clerk: "Okay thank you, unfortunately there is no further reports but I can give you another location to check."

Darlene: "Yes ma'am, please do."

Clerk: "Okay, the address is 76 porter street, right off of route 50."

Darlene: "Okay thank you so much!"

Clerk: "No problem, I wish you best of luck!"

*Darlene headed down route 50 and took the second exit. She reached down a dirt road that read "Porter Street." Once she reached the end of the street she reached a side walk. She stepped out of her car and walked down towards a small oak cabin. She slowly crept to the cabin and knocked on the door.*

Darlene: "Excuse me! Hello?"

*And older man crept outside the cabin.*

"H- hello?"

Darlene: "Hi I'm Darlene, I heard you may have insight on my children."

"Your... what?"

Darlene: "My children, Karen, and Kylie."

"Ah... I see, well let's sit down and discuss this."

Darlene: "Okay, please."

"You see, I remember hearing two young girls run past around a month ago, they were yelling about candy."

Darlene: "Candy?"

"Yes... candy. I think it was someone who gave them candy."

*Darlene was in shock, she knew something was wrong. Her daughters knew better. Well... she thought so. She knew this was much bigger then her.*

Darlene: "Do you know where they were headed?"

"No... no."

*All of a sudden a sudden scream was heard in the distance.*

Darlene: "Oh my, is that them? Oh my god!"

*Darlene raced out of the cabin and started yelling their names.*

He called it Love, We called it painМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя