Kylie & Karen (1)

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My name is Kylie.

My name is Karen.

We are here to tell the story of the "Candy Man."

This all started around the 10th grade.

Kylie and I were excited for the start of a new year.

We always looked forward to being able to make a new impression on others.

Kylie always had a passion to become a nurse, while I wanted to be a lawyer.

This was probably because our parents are very smart and were always taught to get very high education.

So let's get to where it all happened.

It was June 16th, 2011.

I was walking home with Kylie after a school Football game.

We usually walk home, because our neighborhood is Fairly safe.

While we were traveling home everything was routine and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

We got home safely, headed to take showers, and then went to bed.

The next morning Kylie was running down with a cold so she stayed home.

I always went to school no matter what, but Kylie couldn't even handle a small mosquito bite so it's kind of expected for her to get ill.

We think she may have a weakened immune system.

I almost forgot to mention that I and Kylie are twins. Like we are freaking identical.

I brought this up because her immune system might be weakened due to the fact that we are twins.

She had some issues with her organs when she was born, but they were supposed to resolve as she got older.

But you know, some did resolve and others didn't.

She doesn't have any health issues to my knowledge but you never know.

So back to my story, so I arrived at school around 8:30 am. And got to my first period.

Everything was going good, and time seemed to fly.

Around 2:30 pm which is 6th period our teacher noticed that we were all behaving well, so we got released from his class early.

We all sat in the hallway and chilled.

We went around the circle telling stories until the 6th period was over.

The dismissal bell rang and we all went home.

I came into the house and checked on Kylie, and she looked rough.

I made her some soup, and we watched some Netflix.

Mom came home and told us about her day.

Kylie asked about mine and we all shared about our day.

Mom wanted the watch the news so as usual, we complied.

We were watching The Brady Bunch until the news channel Interrupted what we were watching.

The anchors came on to inform the public of two young female bodies found in the abandoned town. Their names were Madison and Grace.

It was sad to watch the coverage because we knew how mentally draining and terrifying that must of been.

Kylie and I went to bed with our guards up, knowing any second a man could snatch us up.

Mom told us that she would make sure nothing would happen and that made me feel safe.

Kylie and I went to sleep in my room, and as usual, she fell asleep first.

It was around 4 am when I heard knocking at the front door. Mom and Kylie were asleep so I didn't get up.

I hear this man yelling "Help me! I'm stuck."

Eventually, the yelling woke us all up.

We all stayed quiet and kept the lights turned off and called 911.

"The officers were dispatched and were on there way." The dispatcher said

I kept thinking, they aren't on their way fast enough.

Eventually, the front door was starting to become fragile from all of the aggressive hits the man was throwing.

Mom and I got Kylie and we rushed into the basement and locked the door.

As we went down there the man broke through the front door.

We could hear him walking around the house trying to find us.

He started to rattle the doorknob of the basement and tried to get in.

As he kept trying the police arrived.

They were yelling "Attention all home residents please exit the home immediately, we have you surrounded."

The man kept trying the door.

He knew we were down here and he wouldn't give up the fight.

The officers tried again and this time said: "Attention all residents if you refrain from exiting the home, we will have to enter and use possible lethal force."

I felt slightly relieved.

Kylie was hunched in a corner and I went over to help her.

Mom was sitting on a stack of crates waiting for the police.

You could hear more footsteps near the door.

As we all listened we heard an officer say "Put down your gun now!"

Fires were shot...

We heard someone hit the floor, we weren't sure who.

There was a strange silence.

Mom slowly crept up the stairs and unlocked the door.

Kylie and I followed.

As we slowly opened the door there was a sudden jolt!

"ITS HIM!" Mom said

Kylie looked at me and I looked at her. We tried locking the door back but the man got through.

He busted through the locks and rushed down the stairs, we tried hiding from him but he found us. He started chasing us, and eventually, he caught up.

He called it Love, We called it painWhere stories live. Discover now