Kylie & Karen (3)

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We found ourselves waking up the next morning, safe and sound.

Brian was still asleep and the rest of the gang was awake.

Dragon greeted me and asked if I needed some coffee.

I got some and went to wake Brian up.

He looked so cute in his rainbow colored jean jacket.

I kept wondering why The Candy Man was after him because of this.

Nobody even knew he was Anti Gay.

As Brian awoke he wondered how I had escaped I told him that Dragon helped me.

He was pleased to know this.

I got him some coffee and eventually he sat up and asked me about what happened.

I told him how Kylie was murdered and it shocked him.

He was very thankful that he was safe, but he wished that Kylie would of escaped.

Apart of me thought possibly Kylie would be alive but I knew those chances were very slim.

As a nursing student, I knew that internal damage from the forces that The Candy Man was applying could possibly cause her brain damage, and even death.

I do remember her breathing getting slow and possibly sounding like her lungs were filling with blood.

I am not 100% sure whether or not they were, but if she makes it out alive she is going to need immediate medical attention.

I miss my mom most of all, especially seeing her come home from work.

I hope she is handling everything okay.

Ryan, who I didn't know at the time asked me how I was holding up.

As usual I didn't really say too much.

I have a fear about letting people in.

Kylie was the one I always would rant to, and now that she is gone all I have is myself.

I kind of distanced myself from everyone.

I am very thankful for all that they have done for me but I need time to process what had just happened.

Everyone on the campsite all invited me to a group meeting, so I complied.

They all discussed what we should name each other.

We decided to name our group "The Saviors."

We decided on this name because we are trying to find justice for the others that had to experience this.

We want to stop him from doing this.

And we want to make sure that he never does this again.

He called it Love, We called it painNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ