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At one corner, there were kids playing with each other. It's the traditional game, called 'Daruma-san ga Koronda'. The village there was quiet, only the noise of the kids were heard.

'This day is quite calming,' the young kunoichi thought as she gaze at the bright sky. She decided to make a stop for awhile to buy some foods.

Nevertheless, she immediately began another trip as she finished. She needed to be home as soon as possible to catch up with Sasuke.

'Home?' Minaru thought to herself. Then, a smile plastered on her face. 'When did the leaf village become my home?' she wondered again.

Thus, her journey continues. She was just a few steps out of the village when it happens.

"Hey, you there!"

Minaru turned to her back, to the source of the voice. There, stood three boys with almost the same height.

The one on the middle was pointing right at her. He was a bit shorter than the other two, with a short brunette hair.

The other two boys beside him was much more taller, taller than the girl. One was wearing a bandana. Another has a long blue hair up to his shoulder.

Minaru realised that the three boys were talking to her. Yet, she didn't even recognised any of them. "Um, are you talking to me just now?" she asked nicely.

The boys didn't answer. Instead, the brunette was grinning. He reached for something from his back.

Abruptly, he charged forward, now a kunai was in his hand. He's running straight towards Minaru.

This made her taken aback. The small boy made an attack. He tried to slash through the young kunoichi.

Aware of this, Minaru was able to dodge it. She stepped back a few steps, "E-eh, what's wrong?" She asked confused.

A smirk was still on the boy's face, but he didn't seem to continue the attack.

Realising that the brunette won't answer, the young female turned to his friends.

A gasped passed through her lips as she perceived that the two have disappeared.

In an instant, a shuriken spinned through the air towards Minaru.

Luckily, she managed to notice it before they hit her. She ducked down and the weapon landed on the nearby tree instead.

But it wasn't safe yet. The ground beneath the girl was cracked. A kunai was aimed right onto her hips.

It was only a matter of seconds before it reached her vital points. Again, she was able to jump away, but not with a small bruise.

The victim gritted her teeth, "Well, it seems that you guys are serious about this," she grunted.

"Here goes," the girl began to reach for her pouch on her back.

One of the three friends launch forward to the kunoichi. His hands was making signs. The other two was nowhere to be seen.

'I may be at a disadvantage, since we're three to one. But I don't know what rank they are. It's a risk but I have to gamble on it,' she began to analyzed the situation.

'But first, let's see what they're capable of,' with this, Minaru took out a smokescreen and throw it, blinding the opponents.

This stops the long haired boy from making signs. After awhile, they regrouped, trying to come up with another plan.

In this moment, the smoke suddenly cleared up, a dark figure appeared in front of them.

There stood, the raven haired kunoichi, with a violet blade gripped tightly in her hand.


Daruma-san ga Koronda is a Japanese traditional game. It is also called a.e.i.o.u in other country. You can google it up if you don't know how it's played 😂


Please enjoy! 😆

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