Where To Look-Part 2

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Seungcheol and Jisoo pulled into the Rehab center parking lot at 9:28am, with anxious grins on both of their faces.
They entered the lobby, approaching the front desk, "Hi, we're here to pick up Yoon Jeonghan. He's being discharged today," Seungcheol told the receptionist.

"Alright, he'll be right out, just wait right over there," she said, pointing to the chairs in the waiting area.

They walked over, sitting down and locating the door that they thought their boyfriend would be coming out of. They watched it like a hawk for another five minutes. Every time it would open, they'd get excited, only for them to slump in disappointment when Jeonghan didn't come out of it.



The door opened, and a familiar frame came walking towards them.

"Hannie!" Seungcheol yelled, running towards his boyfriend, Jisoo not far behind.
The two pulled him into the worlds tightest hug, pulling away only when Jeonghan said that he couldn't breathe.

Jeonghan gave each of his boyfriends a chaste kiss, followed by another hug. It was after all of that when Jisoo and Seungcheol noticed something strikingly different about him.

"Oh my god, your hair!" Jisoo gasped, putting a hand over his mouth.

Jeonghan's long, silky, silvery-blond hair was no longer existent. It was now pitch black, and cut off just below his ears. On anyone else, the style would look ridiculous, but of course it suited him super well.

Jeonghan chuckled, glancing at the ground as his cheeks turned pink, "New me. What do you think?" He asked shyly, touching his hair.

"You've never looked better, Hannie," Seungcheol smiled, pulling Jeonghan in for another quick kiss, "In fact, it looks pretty hot."

Jisoo cleared his throat, "True dat," he sighed, giving Jeonghan a kiss too, "I kinda wanna rip your clothes off right here-"

"-Well that's certainly not going to happen right now!" Jeonghan hastily cut him off, picking up his suitcase and leaded the way out of the rehab lobby and out into the parking  lot, "Maybe when we get home though.." He mumbled after a long pause.

They got into the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"So, fill me in on everything that happened," Jeonghan said eagerly, sitting criss-cross-applesauce in the passenger seat. He tugged at the sleeves of his fluffy sweater, making sweater paws.

"We need a new microwave," Jisoo began, his gaze moving between Seungcheol and Jeonghan, "and we almost died a couple of times. Apparently you and Seungcheol are the only decent drivers. We've basically been living off of fast food for the last month. By the way, NEVER let Seungkwan make chicken salad again-"

"Okay! Yes! That is..what happened haha.." Seungcheol cut him off, trying to bring the conversation to a more uplifting topic, "So what do you wanna do when we get home?"

"I'm dying to sleep in my-err-your bed. The beds at rehab are fine, but there's nothing like a familiar mattress," he chucked, leaning back in his seat.


"Jisoo hyung texted! They've just pulled it!"

"Oh fuck oh fuck, ok, we got everything done, no one panic!"

"Oh my god, I'm so excited!"

"Me too!"

"Everyone shut up! They're coming!"

Seungcheol opened the door to their dorm, stepping inside with Jisoo and Jeonghan. They were met with a completely dark and quiet living room.

Jeonghan cleared his throat, "What the fu-"

"WELCOME HOME!" Everyone shouted as soon as Seungcheol turned the lights on. They put up a big banner that looked like it had been finger painted to say 'Welcome Home Hyung'

Jeonghan stumbled back slightly, his eyes going wide, "Aw, guys.." He bit back a smile, his nose scrunching cutely, "I-uh-aww you guys," He repeated, his eyes filling with tears almost instantly. He was overcome with happiness and couldn't even find the words to express it.
He approached all of his dongsaengs, "I love you guys.." He whined, letting all of the boys attack him with hugs.
Seungcheol and Jisoo obviously had to get in on the action, they ran over and joined the massive group hug with no hesitation.


At 10:00pm, Jeonghan went into Seungcheol's bedroom, where Jisoo was sitting and watching YouTube on Seungcheol's bed.

Jeonghan jumped into bed next to him, stuffing his face into a pillow. He could hear the shower going, making the connection that Seungcheol must be in there washing up.
He rolled over, grabbing Jisoo's arm, "Jisooooo," he whined, "Guess what.."

Jisoo paused his video, turning his attention to his clingy boyfriend, "Whaat?"

"I love you," he said, smiling like a little kid.

Jisoo giggled, leaning down and giving his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek, "Love you too," he cooed before turning his attention back onto his laptop screen, unpausing the video.

The bathroom door creaked open, drawing the attention of the two.
Seungcheol walked into the bedroom, wearing only a towel around his small waist. His wet, black hair was slicked back out of his face. To put it bluntly, he looked really fucking hot.

Jeonghan's eyes widened, he sat up immediately, "My my my, Mr. Choi, it's been awhile.." He growled, biting his lip. His eyes ran up and down his boyfriend's muscular frame.

Seungcheol snickered, approaching the bed, "Indeed it has.." He said, smirking at Jeonghan.

He ran a hand down Seungcheol's toned torso, his cheeks blushing pink, "Maybe we should have some fun tonight..y'know, to celebrate me being released from rehab.." He murmured, his eyes meeting Seungcheol's as his fingers toyed with the edge of the towel.

He leaned in a little closer to Jeonghan, biting his lip, "Hmm...not tonight," he said bluntly, standing back up straight and heading over to the dresser, "Tomorrow though..Shua!"

Jisoo looked up from his laptop, "Yeah?"

"Threesome!" Jeonghan shouted, almost completely unprovoked. A giddy smile grew onto his face, "Yess! Finally!"

Jisoo chuckled a bit, nodding, "Wonderful. This time tomorrow. It's a plan."

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