How Much Longer

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The next morning, the happy couple were abruptly awoken by a knock at Seungcheol's bedroom door, "Seungcheol hyung, are you awake yet? We're supposed to go visit Jeonghan hyung this morning, yah!" Seungkwan hollered from the other side of the door, taking absolutely no consideration to the possibility that anyone was still sleeping.

Seungcheol and Jisoo's eyes shot open almost simultaneously. They looked at each other, then at the door, then back at each other.  They both swore under their breath, piecing together the situation quite fast.

"Seungcheol hyung?" Seungkwan repeated, his tone softening as he knocked again, "Hyung, if you don't answer I might have to come in there and wake you up myself-"

"No No No!" Seungcheol shouted, leaping out of bed. Instantly realizing he was still naked, he moved to cover himself with the duvet, earning a hushed laugh from Jisoo, "Don't come it! I'm awake. Just give me a minute!"

After hearing Seungkwan walk away, he let out a sigh, dropping the duvet and making his way over to the pile of clothes on the floor. He glanced at his clock, eyes going wide, "Fuck! Oh my god, Jisoo we've got to go in like five minutes!"

Jisoo, who had been lazily lounging in the bed, jumped up to get dressed too, running to throw on the first pair of underwear, jeans, and tshirt he could pick up, "Shit, 8:55, we were supposed to be out the door at 9:00," he mumbled, pulling a shirt over his head.

The two boyfriends burst out of the bedroom door and fled down the stairs. All of the other boys were sitting in the living room, watching cartoons.

"Alright..yes, we are..ready to go visit Jeonghan." Seungcheol sighed, attempting to act casual despite his previous state of panic.

"Haha hey, have you guys switched clothes since yesterday?" Chan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jisoo blanched, "Uh.."

Chan's expression quickly changed from curiosity to disappointment, "Oh..forget I asked."


The group arrived at the rehab center at 9:45, piling into the building, anxiously awaiting their opportunity to see Jeonghan.

"Come with me, please," the receptionist at the front desk said, leading them to a small room at the end of a long hallway.

The room was dimly lit by a couple of floor lamps, though the large window on the opposite wall was letting in a sufficient amount of light. Couches lined each of the walls, surrounding a small coffee table in the middle of the room.

"Mr. Yoon will be with you shortly," the receptionist told them, shutting the door behind her.

Indeed, the door reopened only a minute later and Jeonghan walked in, "Hey guys!" He said.

Everyone jumped up, running over to tackle him with hugs.

"Woah woah woah! Careful, don't crush him!" Seungcheol warned, holding back his own excitement.

After the younger boys were done hugging Jeonghan, Seugcheol and Jisoo approached him, each giving him a short, but chaste kiss, followed by all three of them group hugging, "Ugh, we've missed you so much, Hannie," Jisoo said.

"I've missed you guys, too," Jeonghan cooed, tightening his grip on his boyfriends, "Cheolie, and Shua! Aw and Junnie, Wonu, Hansolie, and-"

"Ok, we don't need the whole fanchant, hyung," Jihoon interrupted, prying Joshua off of Jeonghan so he could give him another hug,


After all of the 'omg we missed you' hoopla died down, Jeonghan sat down on the couch in between his two boyfriends, each putting an arm around him.

"So what's it like here? Is it like prison?" Chan asked, eagerly leaning foward in his seat.

Jeonghan simply laughed, "No no, not at all. The staff are actually really nice here.  The beds are comfortable, and they let us watch tv. I just wish they'd let us use our phones..Anyway, I've been going to therapy for my drug problem; the withdrawal symptoms from the heroin are starting to get a lot better, but the doctor told me that the symptoms will stick around for another few weeks. I still have these crazy scratches all over my arms," he explained, showing his bandaged forearm to the guys.

"What's the therapy like?" Jisoo asked, lovingly rubbing Jeonghan's shoulder.

"It''s good. I was worried it would be like crazy and like scary or something, but it really isn't," Jeonghan ran his fingers through his hair, smiling at his boyfriend.

Something Jeonghan said didn't sit well with Seungcheol, but he couldn't quite place what it was..

"Oh guess what! Pledis said we can wait as long as we need to have our comeback, so that's good!" Seungkwan said, changing the subject dramatically.

"Well that's fantastic! I mean, it's not like I thought they'd fire us or anything," Jeonghan chuckled, leaning onto Jisoo's shoulder cutely.

The boys spent the remainder of their time together telling Jeonghan about their great detail. Before they knew it, it was 11:15, and time for them to leave.

"So how much longer to you think you'll be staying here?" Jihoon asked, standing up from the couch.

Jeonghan sighed, crossing his arms, "Right now it looks like it'll be a few more weeks."

All of the boys groaned in disappointment at the news.

"Oh don't be like that! I'm sure the two weeks will just fly by!" Jeonghan said, attempting to get them to buck up, though it fell on deaf ears.

The boys eventually said their goodbyes and left the rehab center, by then it was almost noon.

"Alright, I've got an idea," Seungcheol announced to the everyone in the van, looking into his rearview mirror to see the kids in the backseat, "What if we all spend the rest of the afternoon at the mall? We could shop, and have lunch, and walk around a bit."

Jisoo cleared his throat, putting his phone down, "That sounds like s wonderful idea, Cheolie," he gave Seungcheol's thigh a reassuring squeeze, "What do you guys think? Does the mall sound good?"

They all seemed to be chill with the idea.

"Escalators will be so much easier now that I don't have my crutches!" Chan said, beaming with excitement.

"This is good timing, I need to buy some stuff anyway," Wonwoo didn't bother looking up from his phone.

Seungcheol sighed, "So it's settled..mall."

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