Behind Closed Doors

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The familiar hospital atmosphere hit as soon as they walked through the automatic glass doors; it was such a dreary environment, Seungcheol couldn't imagine how Jeonghan felt, having to be stuck there for 3 days straight.

He approached the front desk, "Hi, we're here to visit Yoon Jeonghan," Seungcheol told the receptionist, glancing anxiously around the waiting room.

"Yeah, are you family?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he typed away at his computer. The receptionist was an intimidating man. Very large, with a bushy beard and neon pink acrylic nails. He spoke in a harsh, no-b.s. tone that send chills down Seungcheol's spine

Seungcheol cleared his throat, suddenly forgetting how to form a coherent sentence. He didn't quite know how to explain their situation since they all technically weren't his family, "W-well, umm-not-uh-technically b-but uh," he mumbled in really broken Japanese.

"Spit it out, son. I don't have all day," He scoffed, crossing his arms, waiting impatiently for an answer.

"Yes ok, I-I'm his boyfriend and..and..this is his son!" He blurted out, grabbing Chan by the arm and pulling him closer to him, nearly causing him to stumble over his crutches.

Chan blanched, looking at Seungcheol with eyes the size of pancakes.

Seungcheol shot him a 'just shut up and go with it' look, easing Chan's

The scary receptionist raised his eyebrows, looking Chan up and down, "You look a little old to be Mr. Yoon's son," he said.

Seungcheol was quick to debate his comment, "Oh, he's only 12! He's just very..very mature looking for his age hahaha.."

The bearded man was quiet for a moment. It was doubtful that he believed Seungcheol's lie but he didn't care enough to say anything, "Mr. Yoon is in the third room on the left, right down that hallway," he turned his attention back to his computer.

They followed his instructions and began walking down the hallway.

"I'm his son?!" Chan whisper-yelled, struggling to keep up with Seungcheol's speed walking while on his crutches.

"I panicked, ok!" The leader defended, "Besides, whatever it takes to see Jeonghan, right?"

Once they reached Jeonghan's hospital room door, Seungcheol hesitated before opening it, he turned to face the rest of the guys, grasping their attention, "Ok, now I haven't talked to Jeonghan about the whole rehab thing yet, so please please don't bring it up, got it?"

"Got it," they all said, literally in unison.

Seungcheol nodded, sighing. He turned back around and gently knocked on the large, wooden door.

"Yeah," Jeonghan yelled in response, so Seungcheol swung the door open and they all piled inside.

"Good Morning, my lovely!" Seungcheol greeted, rushing over to give Jeonghan a hug. Everyone else following suit. He could feel his heart jumping in his chest just from seeing his beautiful, perfect boyfriend again.

"Aaa, I love you guys," Jeonghan mumbled as everyone got done suffocating him in hugs, "As much as I appreciate you visiting me, I'm sure there's some more interesting things you'd rather being doing since you've got an extra couple days in Tokyo," he explained, giving a weak smile. 

The bags under his eyes weren't as bad as they were yesterday, but they were definitely still there. The colour had begun to return to his lips and cheeks. He was starting to look, and sound, like himself again.

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