P: Preach sister.

A: And come one Dro. You have Uncle Alex looks. Of course girls ain't gonna line up at your door. There gonna line up at your funeral. Each faking there tears but glad your gone so they could scratch one more ugly ass dude of that list.

P: Oh my god! Im dead over here.

When Alejandro didn't answer i called him privately on group chat.

He answered after the 4th ring but he had a frown on his face as he glared at me through the phone.

"Hi Cousin. Whatcha doing." I rested my chin on the back of my hands as i smiled innocently at him.

"Fuck you Thorn Elvonel. Just... Fuck you."

"Aw, Did someone get there feelings hurt? Are you wonna wry like a wittle waby?" I cooed in a baby voice. "Do you need me to change that shitty diaper-"

I laughed when he hung up, snorting while at it.

"You have the most weirdest laugh. I know damn well you got that from your mother."

I looked at my dad who was standing in the doorway. His black hair still black as ever, and he doesn't look a day old. 

Pros of being italian i guess. Perfect skin even when old.

"If mom hears you saying that she'll divorce your ass all over again."

My dad sighed and i clicked my tongue. "Oh please, daddy-O. You know mom wouldn't even think of leaving you. You guys are like bullet and gun. Need to be together in order to work."

He looked at me funny before shaking his head. "Such weird comparisons you have. Anyway, How was school? Or College?

I shrugged. "It was good i guess. Some dipshit bumped into a girl and broke her glasses. Of course i did something, bue he acted all high and mighty and ignored me. I ended up missing a few classes because Allaric and I went shopping with her."

"A dark skinned girl with Box braids in her hair and Puffy cheeks?" My dad asked while sipping his water.

My eyes narrowed. "How do you know what she looks like?"

He shrugged. He directed the cup up the stairs and brought it back to his lips. "I saw her with Allaric early today. I'm not sure what her name was but i thought she was Allaric's girlfriend. She's beautiful."

Oh he is going to get it. "I'll be right back."

I jumped from the black stool and walked up the stairs.

I Took off my jacket, pinned my hair up in a messy bun and took off my earrings. I rest all of those things in my room and walked as quietly as possible towards Allarics room. I knew the boys would be in there so i headed there.

I pressed my ears against the white door and when i heard voices, i curved my index finger and knocked with my knuckles.

Someone moved and soon the door opened in a crack. Dusk eyes poking out. He looked down at me and pursed his lips.


He is going to get it too.

"I want to show Allaric something, He knows what i'm talking about if you tell him i say Pink Glasses."

"Let her in Dusk." Allaric voice said.

Dusk rolled his eyes but stepped aside letting me in.

The Twins were Laid out on the floor munching on Cheese balls watching the TV.

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