11. A Total Psycho

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Liam and I went over to Scott's house so Liam could tell Scott he's sorry about the whole 'trying to kill him' thing, and to tell him about Theo. While he went inside, I went over to Stiles who was outside 'fixing' his Jeep. "Hey," I greeted, "Hey, Lin. What are you doing here?" he asks as he takes some wires out of the Jeep. "Liam is going to try and apologize, and tell him about Theo and the Chimeras," I answer, "We already know about Theo and the Chimeras," Stiles says. "You do?" I ask, he nods and takes something else out. "Hey, are you ever going to tell me about what happened between you and Scott?" I ask, "Uh... it's complicated," he responds.

"How?" I ask, he sighs and looks at the wrench in his hand. "Fine, I'll tell you. Remember Donovan?" he asks, I nod. "The one who said he'd kill your dad?" I ask, "Yeah. Him. Well... he tried to kill me. That night when you guys were at the club and Kira almost killed one of the Chimeras but then the Dread Doctor's ended up killing him?" I nod. "I was at the school, while I was trying to fix my Jeep he came at me and I ran inside to the library. I climbed up the scaffolding and he was right below me trying to reach me, I pulled one of the pins holding the support beams..." he paused and sighed, "Next thing I knew one of the pipes had went right through him. I called 911 but I hung up and ran to my jeep, a cop showed up but he didn't see me," he says.

"I turned on my police scanner and he told dispatch it was just a prank call, when the cop left I went inside the library and the body, the blood... it was gone," he said, "That's what you and Scott were talking about that night?" I asked, "Yeah," I responds. "But, everything is fine between you guys... right?" I ask, "Yeah, I guess so," he shrugs as he continues fixing his Jeep.

Scott then comes out, "Hey, Lin," Scott greets. "Yo, can I come with you guys on whatever adventure you guys are going on?" I ask, Scott shakes his head. "Sorry, Lin. Go home," Scott says giving me a small but sad smile, I sigh. "Okay, fine. Drive safe," I say, I wave goodbye and walk away.


We were at school, when the PA system made some squealing noises. I cover my ears, "Attention all students. Mr. O'Quinn's classes are cancelled for today. If anyone knows of his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately," the man on the speakers said. "That doesn't sound too ominous," Mason says, "How about that?" I ask as I look over at Theo talking to Hayden by some lockers.

"You said Scott told you not to do anything," Mason tells him, "I know," Liam says trying to hold his anger in. Theo smirks at us, "Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved," I say. "I know," Mason steps closer to his best friend, "Liam, don't get involved," Mason tells him. Liam looks over at him, "Well, he didn't tell me not to get involved," I say but right when I was going to start making my way to Theo so I can kick his ass, my brother grabs my wrist and stops me.

I look over at him, "If he told me not to get involved... neither should you," Liam says. I groan, "Fine. But, I'm only doing it for Scott," I say as we watch Theo and Hayden walk away.

 But, I'm only doing it for Scott," I say as we watch Theo and Hayden walk away

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Biology. Not my favorite subject, but also not my least favorite. I sat next to my brother, I was quite sleepy. I was falling asleep when...

"Dunbar!" I jump, "What?" my brother and I say at the same time. "Lindsey, no falling asleep in my class," Mrs. Finch says, "Got it, sorry," I apologize. Liam looks over at me annoyed, I shrug. "Didn't get much sleep last night," I say, "Cause you were with Brett?" he asks. "Students in the first and third row, look behind you. These, are your partners," Mrs. Finch says, both of us roll our eyes and look behind us.

 Finch says, both of us roll our eyes and look behind us

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Liam got Hayden, while I got a girl named Sarah.

We ended up sitting next to each other, "I wish I went with Scott and Stiles," I mumble. After the teacher explained a little about the lab we were gonna do, she told us to read the instructions. "Gonna talk to me?" I hear Hayden ask Liam, "I'm reading the instructions," Liam tells her. "You know what I mean," I turn the page and continue reading the packet, "You mean how you're hanging out with a total psycho that tried to get me to kill Scott and then did it himself? Yeah, okay... let's talk about that," Liam says.

"That total psycho brought me back to life. Remember that? I'm not dying again..." Hayden tells him, "You don't have to-" Hayden cuts him off. "Why? Because Scott's gonna save us? He doesn't even know what's coming," Hayden says, "What do you mean? What's coming?" Liam asks. That's when I turn around to try and butt in the conversation, but Mrs. Finch came. "Seems to be a lot of discussion over here. Can't imagine you've already solved the mystery, have you?" she asks, they both sigh. "No," Liam answers, "Get to it. Lin, turn around your partner is right next to you, not behind you," I sigh and turn around.


The next night Liam, Mason and I went over to Scott's house, they had finally arrived back with Kira. Scott was asleep on the couch, Kira woke him up since we had something very important to tell him.

Once he did, he instantly looked concerned. "What's wrong?" he asked, "I found something out from Corey. We know what Theo's doing," Mason tells Scott. "He's looking for an Alpha," Liam says, "A blind Alpha," I add. "Deucalion," Scott says realizing who we were talking about.

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