6. Third Wheel

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I had passed out apparently, and when I woke up Hayden was thrown next to us. Liam scooted closer to her, "Hayden, you okay?" Liam asked her. Hayden pants, "It hurts," she says as she holds on to her side. "Give me your hand," Liam tells her, they hold hands. "It's something that Scott does. He can take away the pain. I've never done it before, but I can try." Liam tells her, Hayden nods.

"I'm sorry," he tells her, "You couldn't take her pain?" I ask him. He shakes his head, I sighed. "Why are they doing this to us?" Hayden asks, "I don't know," Liam says. They hold hands once again, "I love how I'm being a third wheel, especially in times like this," I sigh.

After a while, Hayden starts to pull out the tube from Liam's arm. She finally got it out, and Liam instantly went over to me to get the tube out of my arm. Once he did, I groan from the slight pain. "Are you guys okay?" Hayden asks us worriedly, "It'll heal. We'll both heal," Liam tells her. Then one of the Dread Doctors came in and stuck a needle in her neck, "Hayden!" Liam and I screamed as the other two Dread Doctors held us. Then they stuck a needle in us.


Once we woke up, we were in this cage looking thing. Liam woke Hayden up, "Where are we?" she asked. "I don't know," I said, Liam stood up and went over to the fence. But I noticed something weird about the fence. And before I could warn Liam, he grabbed the fence and got electrocuted and fell back. "Liam, you idiot! I was about to warn you not to touch that!" I said as I went over to him to make sure he was okay, we then heard a chuckle.

We all looked behind us, "Sorry, I probably should've warned you," a kid who sat in the dark said. "Yeah, I was gonna warn him too. Because I'm not an idiot," I said as I look over to my brother, he rolled his eyes and looked back at the kid. "Who are you?" Liam asked.

 "Who are you?" Liam asked

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"My name's Zach. And I think the better question is... what am I? It's okay, I'm just like you. One of the experiments," he says, "No, you and her are the experiments. My brother and I are here as hostages," I explain. "Hey, maybe you can help me with something. The guys, in the masks... they took something off my back," he said as he starts scooting over to us, "I don't know what it was, but I can feel part of it still there," he says.

"You want us to look?" Liam and I ask at the same time, "Is that okay?" he asks. "Lowkey have done weirder things than this, so yeah I guess" I shrug, Zach nods and turns around lifting up his hoodie and shirt to reveal his back. He had wings. The dudes in masks cut off his wings.

After a while Liam was near the fence just staring at it, he lifts up his finger up to the fence. "Liam, what the hell are you doing?" I ask, then he puts his finger on the fence getting his finger shocked. "Liam, the electricity isn't going to just stop flowing on that fence if you keep touching it," I said annoyed by my brother, "Were not getting out of here," Zach says. "You could be a little more optimistic," Hayden tells him, "Want me to kick his ass and shut him up?" I ask. Hayden just glares at me and sighs, "It's kinda hard when you watch three people get dragged out of here screaming," Zach says ignoring my comment.

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