7. A New Jeep

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Stiles, Lydia, and I have been looking for the Nemeton all throughout the woods. We also marked some trees to make sure we aren't looking in the same area, I sighed as I looked around. "It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found," Stiles points out, "Maybe it knows we're late for class. Because we've been here twice," Lydia says.

Stiles looks over at a tree, it had two white crosses on it. "Crap," I then cross my arms, "Huh, that's crazy," I say as I look at the tree Stiles is looking at. "Can we talk to Parrish now?" Lydia asks, "Hang on. If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?" Stiles asks.


"Yes, you,"

"That's what you do. You're the Banshee, you find the bodies," Stiles says, "Well, the Banshee's having an off day, so how about we talk to Parrish?" Lydia sighs. "We can't," Stiles tells her, "Why not?" I ask. Stiles goes to look at me then back at Lydia, "Because one of the bodies... one of them... one of them could be," Stiles trails off.

"Could be what?" Lydia asks, "One of them could be a clue," Stiles says. "I'm leaving now, Stiles. I'm going to talk to Parrish and tell him he's the one taking the bodies," Lydia says as she walks away, "It's always better when they know," she says as she keeps walking.

"Well then, he should know he owes me a Jeep," Stiles says, we then walk right behind her. "Do you mean he owes you a new Jeep?" I ask, Stiles glares at me. "Okay! Okay! Fine! No new Jeep, then," I say putting my hands up in surrender.

 "Okay! Okay! Fine! No new Jeep, then," I say putting my hands up in surrender

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Liam hasn't been answering any of my texts, neither has Hayden. And I was getting worried since I found out that Corey went to the hospital, apparently he was one of the failures. Scott and Theo went there to see what they can do, while I stayed in school. The bell rang, and I quickly went out the door. I found Stiles and we both walked down the stairs together, we then see Malia looking upset.

We quickly went up to her, "Malia? What's wrong?" I ask her once we got to her. "Malia? Hey. Hey. What happened?" Stiles asks her as he held her hands, "I hate this. I hate loosing like this. I'm not like Scott. I can't deal with another body. Another failure," she says then walks away.

After technically skipping class, Stiles and I were trying to get ahold of Lydia. Stiles kept calling her but she wouldn't answer, "Lydia, for the love of god, answer your phone. There's another dead chimera. So, right now is probably not a great time to be alone with Parrish. If he's coming to get the body, you can't get in his way. Lydia, do not get in his way," Stiles says then hangs up the phone.

"I love how whenever it's urgent, she won't answer her phone," I say, "Lin, get to class." Stiles tells me. "But I wanna go with you! Plus, Liam isn't answering me either so I'm kinda alone here," I tell him, "Go to class... now," Stiles instructs me. I groan, "Yes, father," I say. "What did I say about calling me that?" I laugh, "Sorry!"

 "What did I say about calling me that?" I laugh, "Sorry!"

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Stiles picked me up later on in the day and said that Scott, Hayden, Liam, and Theo were at the animal clinic, so we drove over there. It was already pouring once we got there, Scott had barely gotten there too. We got out of the Jeep, "I'm gonna go inside to see if my brother is okay!" I tell Stiles. Stiles nods and I quickly went inside the clinic to find Liam and Hayden on the floor, Liam was holding her tight.

"I heard what happened, how is she doing?" I ask, Liam shakes his head. "Not too good," he tells me, I sigh. I sit next to my brother on the floor trying to comfort him, while Theo kneels next to Hayden trying to keep her awake.

Finally Scott comes in but I don't see Stiles come in, "She's getting worse. I think she's dying," my brother tells him. "It's gotta be some kind of mercury poisoning," Theo says, "Scott, remember what you promised me. You said you'd do everything you could to save her. If she's a real werewolf, we can save her. You gotta give her the bite," Liam says.

"Liam, it's not that simple," I tell him, he ignores me and stares at Scott expectantly. We all look at him to see what he'll say next, "No," Scott says simply.

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