3. Intense

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"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors," Lydia explains about a girl named Tracy who apparently killed someone, "Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her," Stiles says. "Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable," Scott tells us as we were all gathered around Stiles' Jeep, he looks over at Mason. "Except for you," Scott pointed out, "Oh, I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing," Mason exclaimed.

"You're a kitsune," he motions over to Kira, "I don't even know what that is!" he chuckled. "I'm still learning," Kira shrugged, "Twins, we said you can tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle," Stiles says. "I'm in the inner circle?" Mason asks, "No!" Stiles, Liam and I say in unison.

"Guys, look, back to Tracy. She's just one lone wolf. We can find her," Scott adverts the attention back to the topic of Tracy, "One lone serial-killing wolf." Malia corrects. "Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled. What do we do when we catch her?" Stiles asked, "I say we put her down," Malia answers.

Everyone looks at each other, "Intense," Mason says. "I'm pretty sure we already know the answer to that, Malia," I tell Malia, "Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later," Scott explains.

Later on in the day, we find out that Tracy is in History class. We just had to tell Scott, so we went out and tried to find his class. Once we did, Liam tried to wave to Scott motioning him to come outside and talk. Scott then points to his ear, "She's here," Liam and I say in unison. "She's in History class right now," Liam tells Scott, "Tracy. She's here," I say.

In order for everyone to get out of the school, was to pull the fire alarm

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In order for everyone to get out of the school, was to pull the fire alarm. So, Liam and I went to find one. Then we finally found one, "You pull it," I tell my brother. "It was your idea," Liam says. "My idea was for you to pull it. Now hurry up, we don't have much time! We don't know what Tracy is capable of right now," I rush my brother, "Okay, okay!" Liam then pulls the fire alarm.

Scott, Liam, and I walk into Mr. Yukimura's class room after everyone has left the building. We see that Hayden is trying to talk to Tracy, but with no luck of her really responding. Tracy then grabs onto Hayden's wrist, "Tracy," Scott calls out.

Scott keeps calling out her name, but Tracy just starts to breathe heavily. Tracy holds onto Hayden's wrist harder, making Hayden's wrist bleed. "Hey, she's hurting me," Hayden whimpers, "Tracy, let go," Scott tells her. "They're coming," Tracy says and lets go of Hayden's wrist, "They're coming for all of us," Tracy says and collapses on the floor. Then there's a silver liquid coming out of her mouth, Scott and Mr. Yukimura pick Tracy up and take her away.

We walk out of the class watching them leave, "She wasn't even supposed to be in our class. Where are they taking her?" Hayden asks. "Uh, the hospital I guess," Liam tells her, "Do you need help getting to the nurses office?" Liam asks her looking at her injury, "I think I'll make it," she says and walks away. "I think she still low-key hates you," I tell my brother patting him on the back, "Shut up," Liam groans.

We then walk over to Kira and Lydia, "They're taking her to the animal clinic?" Kira asks. "Yeah, to see if Deaton can figure out what's wrong with her," I respond, "What's wrong with her is that she killed two people. Her father and, according to Parrish, her psychiatrist," Lydia says. "Isn't there anyone else we can talk to? Does she still have her mom? Any family?" Kira asks, "Alpha. If she's a werewolf, she has an Alpha, right?" Lydia said.

"Anyone know if a new one's moved in to Beacon Hills?" Lydia asks, "No, but there's an old one. One of the oldest, we know her," Kira said. Lydia and Kira then looked over at us, "And her pack," Liam and I say in unison and look over at each other.


We decide to bring Mason along to our journey over to the field, where Brett was. We see Brett shirtless practicing, "So, he's a werewolf too?" Mason asks. We nod, "Yup," Liam said annoyed. "This just keep getting better and better," Mason smiled, "You really are enjoying this, aren't you Mason boy?" I ask him. "Hell yeah - I mean... uh..." Mason stutters, I just chuckle.

After Brett finished practicing, we went up to him and showed him a picture of Tracy. And we asked him if he knew her or if she was a part of his pack, "Cute. But never seen her," Brett says. I glare at Brett but he just chuckles, "Could Satomi have turned her without you knowing?" I asked him. "After the dead pool, Satomi's not exactly doing much recruiting." Brett replies, "That's how it works? Alpha werewolves just go around biting people?" Mason asks.

"Or you can be born, like me and my sister. Satomi took us in after our family died in a fire," Brett explained to Mason, "Guys, I think I found something," Liam says looking intently at his phone.

We went out to the woods where we went out to stalk Theo the last time, "Sure you know where were going?" asked Brett. "We know where we are," Liam replied, "So do I. Middle of nowhere," Brett said. Then we heard a loud thud, "Guys?" called out Mason. We walked over to the hole Mason fell in, "I think I found it," Mason said rubbing his head. "See the necklace?" Liam asks, Mason turns on the flashlight from his phone and starts looking around.

 "See the necklace?" Liam asks, Mason turns on the flashlight from his phone and starts looking around

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"No, I don't see it," Mason says looking up, we sigh. Brett and I help Mason up from the hole, "Liam I... I thought you said this was a sinkhole," Mason questioned. "It's a hole. What's the difference?" my brother asks, we all kneel down to closely inspect the hole. "I mean, look at all these handprints. And look at all this dirt," Mason explained, "She didn't fall in here," Brett said. "She was buried," Liam and I say in unison, "Intense," Mason says.

Liam then goes into the hole, looking for the necklace himself. "Why isn't it here?" Liam asks himself, "She probably came back for it," Brett says. "I don't think this is the hole you fell in, Liam," I tell my brother as he gets out, "Yeah, I don't think this is the one," Liam said. "What do you mean?" Brett asks, "It was closer to the bridge," My brother explains.

"Much closer," I add, "This is a different hole," Liam said. "Then who crawled out of this one?" Mason wondered as we all just stared into the empty hole.

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