But Reece is still at fault for torturing me at Hampton, although Richard had lied to him that I was having 'fun' at the boarding school and 'refused' to come back. Richard better be burning in hell right now. He ruined my life. He absolutely ruined everything.

"What do you mean, Dorothy?" mother asks.

I finally lift my head and rest my head back, against the wall, looking at a pair of watery emerald eyes that mirror my own. I try to breathe in and out, calming myself down. Patient, mother sits down on the window sill too, in front of me. When I manage to breathe better, I sigh.

"It just feels so much easier to stay angry at him. I... Now I'm so, so confused." I say.

"About what?"

"About what I should feel for him. Should I stay mad at him? Should I pity him? Should I ignore him? Like what do I do?"

God, why can't I stop crying for once?

"I am just so confused!" I cry.

"Ok, sweetie. You have to calm down. Breathe."

"I'm trying..."

Instinctively, I lean my head down against her shoulder and hug her, closing my eyes.

"I'm trying to b-breathe."

Mother returns my hug, softly patting my back.

"It's okay. Take your time, my dear."

I nod my head, closing my tired eyes. She smells nice, like soothingly nice. I relax a bit, remembering how much I missed hugging her when I was younger. 

"Just know that I am here for you, Dorothy. I am always here for you. I promise," she adds.


Time goes by and eventually, darkness envelopes me and I fully welcome it.


Monday comes too soon. I spent the whole weekend hiding in my room. Mother did try to take me out to distract me, but I was unwilling to go with her plan. My friends texted me, asking me if I wanted to hang out with them. I politely declined their offer. I just wanted to be left alone, and I am thankful that mother understood that, although she was not happy about it. When I woke up this morning, I was determined to attend college today. Hampton can distract me. At least, that's what I think.

Looking ahead of me in a daze, I trudge along the bustling corridor with everyone's chitter-chatter tuning out. It feels like everyone's world is in colour, except for mine.

I wish I can escape reality a bit. Forget for a bit.

Suddenly, I collide against a firm wall, hurting my nose a bit in the process.

"Ugh," I mumble, wincing and rubbing my poor nose.

"Are you alright, Dorothy?" a voice asks.

I look up and see a pair of familiar eyes instead of a brick wall.

"I was trying to get your attention but you looked lost in your thoughts," the voice continues.

"I'm well, Damien," I say.

Damien narrows his eyes at me and, to my surprise, he cups my face. He moves my face from one side to another, scanning.

"What are you doing?" I mumble.

"You look pale," he states, looking concerned.

Ugh, I am sick and tired of making people worry about me. Sighing, I push away his hands from my face.

Reece's HavenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin