4. Faking It.

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“Then, he told me that I should sit with him and his little crew at lunch for now on,” I babbled to Rhiannon, as we’re walking about the gymnasium. Also watching a bunch of boys scattered on one part of the court to another playing basketball.

“Whaaat?” Rhiannon trailed in a squealing and shock tone. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Awkwardly when I was sitting in front of him, he kept staring at me.”

“Calling you over, staring, and suggesting that you should sit with him, he’s beginning to adore you,” she believed. “And I’m not guessing this.”

Life isn’t a movie, Rhi.

“Nooo,” I opposed. “He can’t “adore” me. For once, he just discovered me.”

“It don’t have to be just you that don’t believe in love at first sight,” she stated nonchalantly.

“And folks like him don’t either,” I returned.

“Whatever,” Rhiannon mumbled as she’s shaking her head. “But you should sit with him. No if, ands, and buts.”

Suddenly, my feelings starting to become hesitant about that option. For the millionth time, everyone should know that can’t picture myself associating with Rocket Ventura. Not that I don’t like or hate him, we can not be friends. It’s still evident that he only wants me, sexually. And him being labeled as popular around here and claims to get anything his eyes land on, my body can’t be his target.

It can be listed on his wish/bucket list, but in life, you don’t get everything you want.

“Can I at least ask why?” I requested, glaring at her for assurance.

Before she responded, Rhiannon started off as a soft giggle. “You know how Janis sent Cady to spy and sabotage on Regina? Except, you’re not gonna ruin Rocket’s life. However, this is just a bet that I don’t want anything but telling you “I told you so”.”

When she making her giggle, I knew it’ll be something that I’ll disagree more on. But what she mentioned, I began to think real critically. Like starting to be interested on where this is going. When this high-voltage light bulb powered on, I was starting to stimulate a plan in my mind before responding back to Rhi. This plan sorta needed a chalkboard so I can sketch every idea out; but it’s not really that huge of a plan.

As much as I hate to consider it, but sitting with Rocket Ventura and his clique was just the advantage of my agenda. This is just whatever to stop Rhiannon thinking Rocket isn’t that type of guy that’s deeply into me. It’ll prove that Rocket isn’t crushing on me, so all he wants is what’s inside my panties. Overall, it’ll prove that Rocket’s promiscuous ways is on the verge of debutting, after being single for a while. Besides, I don’t want him to fall for me passionately—though he’s highly attractive. But like I said, he’s not really my type, thanks to his arrogant personality most of all. You may think this plan is pure ridiculous, but this just validates that life isn’t a fairy tale. A popular kid falling for an outcast, it’s rare in the real world. An outcast falling for a popular kid, it’s rare too.

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