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Date ideas:
*These vary from person to person but these are just some ideas yk, just to get your brain juices flowing to come up with the perfect date*

•Dinner and movie:
(unique scale: 1/10)
The simplest, easiest, and safest thing to do. Nothing special but that doesn't mean it won't be special. Make sure to choose a movie and restaurant/food you both will like, and just enjoy their company. Not much will go wrong with this and I think it can be fun.

•Escape Rooms:
(unique scale: 8/10)
I've never done an escape room but I'm sure it could be a cool thing to do with your date. It's not an everyday thing you do and it would be awesome if neither of you have done it before.

(unique scale: 6/10)
I'm not entirely sure if this is a great idea because you two may like different music genres but you could always try something new. It's unique and different but is it worth it?

•Zip Lining:
(unique scale: 10/10)
The scale is so high because who has ever been zip lining duRinG a date? No one that I know of. I think this would be an awesome thing to do. It's fun, it's exciting, and you get to do something not many people have done.
*I do suggest that you do the easy level, maybe with the courses instead of the pro level where it's a straight zip through the forest or something. But it's a just a safe suggestion in case you aren't feeling like being a daredevil or just want a calm time to talk and move around.*

•Petting zoos/Aquariums:
(unique scale: 7/10)
I feel like this is a kind of a safe choice. Petting zoos can be fun and exciting especially if it has unique animals (not just goats). Even a normal zoo could be cool. I think aquariums are pretty cool but only if you're into that sort of stuff. Looking at fish can be a bit boring at times

•Walk the city:
(unique scale: 5/10)
This isn't really unique or special but you can maybe take tours around the city or take pics in some cool areas. Not that great but it's just an idea.

•Go to a sports game:
(unique scale 7/10)
This is great if you two are sporty people/into sports. It's pretty okay but make sure you both want to go so it's worth it.

Go to Ikea:
(unique scale: 6/10)
I don't know about you but this would be lowkey cool. You get to look at cool stuff and goof off with your date. But I mean- it's not thAt fun or great. So I don't know if this should be a suggestion. You can also try any big/cool stores

•Antique shopping:
(unique scale: 7/10)
I personally might not like this but maybe you will. You can go to a cute local shop and browse around. Maybe you'll find something really cool

Visit a garden/park:
(unique scale: 7/10)
I don't know- this would be really cute and romantic. Especially if it's in the spring time, you can walk around and admire the beautiful flowers and nature around you while you two talk. It'll be the second most beautifulest thing there next to you 🥺💗

Art/history/etc museum:
(unique scale: 7/10)
I think this would be really cute especially if you two are into learning or observing things. An art museum can be romantic but it does depend on what kind of museum it is.

Skateboarding/any sports:
(unique scale: 8/10)
This is pretty cool. And if you don't know how to do something, but your date does- don't be aftiad to ask for help because that can be a bit cute :) be careful though

Star gazing/watching the sunrise/sets:
(unique scale: 7/10)
I would absolutely love to do this. It's a very romantic, peaceful and beautiful time that you can have with your date. You can take pictures, you can say your wishes or talk about your dreams you want to fulfill in your life. This can be a time where you open up and relax with the person you've gotten close to. I suggest doing this at least once, because it'll be amazing.

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