~Crushes~ 34

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Types of crushes hehehe.

Ever wondered if there was more than one "type" of crush you'll experience in your life? Welp, there are like roughly 12.

1. The childhood crush.
Remember that dude you would say had cooties? Most, again-most, of the time when a boy or girl teases you like that, it could be their way of "flirting" remember, you're probably in 4th grade so you're pretty bad with it but don't worry, you must've went out with him for a day and that was it.

2. The celeb crush.
Yo, everyone has a celebrity crush. I'm not sure if he's considered a "celebrity" but mine is that sexy piece of shit-Andy Biersack. I mean have you seen his perfect self before? Here:

 I mean have you seen his perfect self before? Here:

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I mean look. Just look. He turns straight dudes gay and lesbians straight. Like come on. Show me someone hotter and more perfect than than that sex god. Anyway-where were we at? Oh right. So your celeb crush is all over your bedroom walls on posters that you must've gotten somewhere over the rainbow, you most likely stalk them online to see what they're doing, and you're probably setting up a death trap for their wife/girlfriend.
Who's your celeb crush?

3. The work crush.
I don't think anyone here works in like a cubicle or anything but basically this is just the crush you'd get by being with this dude you're with practically 24/7.
You just can't help getting the feels for him.

4. The not-your-type crush.
If you're into dark, quiet guys—he's your blonde, stocky kind of guy. You're not into him and yet he's just there and your damn hormones are just cray cray. I mean, opposites attract aye?

5. The Twitter crush—or in our case—the Wattpad crush.
The dude you've never met but you've read his bio and know a lot about him and you guys talk like every day. You day dream about him, have certain scenarios *wink wink* in your head. You know what I'm talking about honey bun, not everyone is so innocent.

6. The hate crush!
Aye, we all at least had one of these. I know I have. This is the type of person who you just hate and gets on your nerves. He's the dude you can't stand, but your blood gets bloody hot and its practically a turn on honey. You just wanna rip his clothes off to make him shut up. Ya ya? You get me? 😝

7. The high school reunion crush.
I'm not gonna get too into this one.
It's the dude who wasn't on the football team so you never noticed him but like 5 years later you're putting make up on and dressed up just in case you bump into him at the store.

8. The borderline-inappropriate authority crush.
I don't have one because it's just disturbing but it's the crush where you're into this guy who's a lot older than you and you're disturbed to admit it but you got the feels for him, think of your boss or teacher. Like dude, you nasty.

9. The barista crush.
I don't buy coffee at places (I make it like a normal civilized human :P) but it's the guy who's makes your coffee at like, idk a coffee place except Starbucks but he makes your coffee and knows exactly how you like it so you two like each other-yada yada.

10. The crush you'd never admit.
I don't have one but it's like you having a itty-bitty harmless crush on, let's say your bff's husband ya? Eww. But it's like you had a dream of you two and you feel guilty about it.

11. The see-him-everywhere crush.
I don't have one again, but he's the dude you see everyday, everywhere, at the dog park, in the hallways, but you can never find a proper conversational time/place to start, idk man.

12. Da "this can totes be it" crush.
The dude you've been with for quite awhile and it's getting more serious and ya. :3

Which kind of crushes have you experienced already?

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