~Crushes~ 36

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Welcome back to school, and oh what's this? BAM! A new crush
I'll give you an example for this. My friend tried going out with her friend for alittle bit last year but it didn't go well and they're only friends now. But this year, she likes someone a year younger than her and she wants his number and is planning on asking him to homecoming. Okay so, to me it's okay to like someone a year younger or a year older. I'm guilty for both. But anyway, here's two things:

~it is okay to like a boy a year younger than you
~ it is okay to stop liking your crush from last year and start liking someone else.

Perfectly fine.

So, what if you have classes with him?

Speaking of that, I have two classes with my old crush I was obsessed with in middle school. So you know, just kill me..but I don't have any feelings for him so it's all good. But anyway, if you have classes with him, good job. It means a few things:

~you know a part of his schedule ;3
~you can help him with projects or homework and stuff so you spend more time with him
~wear something fancy and smexy and walk around him to show it off huh? XDD

If there's a group project to do, and you are brave enough (I know you are gurl), go up to him and ask him to be in his group or his partner. But do it before the popular slut in the class asks him. That's something you'll regret.

Knowing me, you'll know that I am a very good stalker when it comes to this. I literally have memorized all my crushes' schedules and stuff, and all this shit. It was pretty scary and creepy because I'm not even sure how I knew. But that's another thing you could do—know his schedule, because you'd know where his next class is and if it's near yours, you can speed up to him and walk along with him and start a conversation. (That's something my friend did and it worked, they had a full on conversation, and she's like, in love already 🤗)

And if he's in a few classes, be more confident, wear nicer close (I am not saying to just go change yourself and your style, that's not what I mean at all) and get good grades.

•If you're confident, you'll be more confident/not shy in other classes or just with new people/friends, etc. By this I may mean, like when the teacher asks questions, answer them. If there's a presentation, go first or if not, don't shake, look up, and do that dang presentation like you own it girl!! You got this! And if you're confident, he'll notice you perhaps.

•Dress nicer: Do not go get a hair cut, buy expensive clothes, change your personality, etc for this boy. Just don't. If he can't like you for who you are, then fuck him. He isn't worth your time. ¡BUT!—go to your closet and look in the back. You see those fancy, adorable looking blouses? Get them out and start wearing them. One, they were a waste of money if you're not wearing them and two, you're gonna look cute! Start wearing nicer blouses, he'll maybe notice you. You'll stand out to him.

≼One more thing about confidence~ don't slouch in class and mumble and not smile, etc. be happy (try to be at least..), and be amazing because I know you can. ≽

•Get good grades: If you're crush is distracting you from getting those A's on tests and in other classes, do something about it. If you get good grades and he knows it, he'll notice that you're smart and not just pretty to look at. And if you get good grades, you'll feel more confident and it just goes on and on. A win win situation. Get them grades up high. I wanna be proud of you.

Hope this helped. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions

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