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If he rejects you or doesn't like you
Girls, it's hard to face a rejection from the person you like a lot. It hurts. It's like getting slapped in the face and/or punched in the stomach.

I like the pic ^^
It fits this topic.
So does the song (sort of)


Don't let it get to you. You're stronger than that. If you shed one tear, bruh, man up. Get some girl power. IF HE DOESNT LIKE YOU BACK AND STUFF, WHILE YOU LIKED HIM AALLOOT,

They are just jerks who can't see the beauty that is on the inside and outside of you. Just forget about him.. Even if he's like a elementary crush that you've had for over 5 years.. Forget him. He's a real selfish bwifuwiifjwswjiwb that isn't right for you. You are too good for him.

If he rejects your feelings, lift your chin up high, and be confident. You are breathtakingly beautiful and gorgeous and don't you forget that.

Also, if there's a boy in your class or something and he's like a stranger to you but you think he's hot and stuff, then talk to him. The worst that can actually happen is that he doesn't want to talk and there are many, many, MANY reasons to why he doesn't. Do don't fret.

Talk to him, tell him you like him after a while of getting to know each other (if you want to tell him, up to you) and bam. Everything's fine.

Be happy with what you got/get. F you already have a boyfriend, ba happy. Because there are girls who do not have a boyfriend and it's sad to see others who do. So, be happy with what you get and don't throw a fit.

Girls, if your crush DOES like you, then that's amazing. Be happy. I know you are.

Who can resist him. Not you. So try to do something productive with him! Like talking. First step to everything.

Maybe one day if it all works out, you'll be having a happy family or just the two of you both madly in love.

Also: it's not your fault if he rejects your likings for him. It's his. He shouldn't mess with a girl's feelings and they should be more careful. I love you guys so be careful. I care about you even if I don't know you. <3

Stay strong girls.
Believe. He's out there, the perfect one. ✨

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